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Förderung und Erweiterung der beruflichen Kompetenzen in Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is the international expansion of the vocational training.Project background:- imparting and exchange of job relevant contents typical for the country- improvement of vocational perspectives against the background of the European job market- enhancement of the professional training- imparting of Europe competences, to raise professional future chances- extension of the flexibility of the students which is demanded by their vocational field- support of mutual esteem and acceptance- integration into existing work teams speaking a foreign language.Altogether 14 students of the gastronomic professions (chef, waiter/waitress, hotel specialist in their second year of training), of our "Einjährige Berufsfachschule" and the school of hotel management as well as 20 students of our "2-jährigen Fachschule Sozialpädagogik" will be able to take part in the mobility.Requirements for the participation is a good knowledge of English, which ensures a personal and vocational communication.Part of our main activities of the carrying-out of the project are agreements with our partners and the selection of suitable participants, further, all organisational and informational measures and those concerning the preparation.Regular contact to our partners and the principle of the mentoring system guarantee a trouble-free process of the practical training of our participants.They work in institutions according to their area of training, they adapt to work in teams speaking a foreign language and expand their professional knowledge by local aspects.Subsequently an evaluation together with the participants is conducted.The centre of attention is - the participants' enhancement of Europe competence as well as their professional future chances,- the motivation of fellow trainees and hotels/restaurants to take part in future mobilities.A long-term effect should be the international expansion of the vocational training of our participants and the improvement of their career prospects. Furthermore, the cooperation with German hotels/restaurants and with our exchange partners should be enhanced and intensified.
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