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Förderung innovativer und grenzübergreifender Arbeit zur Internationalisierung der Unterrichtsinhalte, Schülerzentrierung und Inklusion durch fächerübergreifende und an modernen vorbildlichen Arbeitsmethoden orientierte Ansätze
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For our school a strategic direction for the medium-term future is necessary. We will include in our school development through this project an orientation based on best practices elsewhere and thus an evaluation of possible targets in terms of conceivable focussing . To subject profile sharpening , development of more interdisciplinary and european cooperation and networking between our and foreign teachers in the various core subjects is the main focus we want to secure through this training in a European context . The experience we are being transferred , the participating peers and colleagues in the College as a whole in the home and then want to allow so contemporary and student-oriented teaching methods and innovative long forms . We also expect our college , to be open to methodological innovation in their teaching and the creation of lasting exchanges with colleagues abroad. We want them to be open in order to develop more long-term international projects. We hope that the experience gained in the internationalization of our lessons contribute so that it is relevant and motivating for both teachers and especially for students . At EU level, we intend to significantly expand our collaborations and activities, like with Erasmus + . So far, only once a teacher of our school has attended a Comenius training. Grants from foundations (like Mercator) for stays abroad are slowly increasing . This is what we want . By Erasmus + we hope to see a sustained increase , in order to incorporate new ideas and best practices continuously into our school system . This applies to the use of learning portfolios , Open Educational Resources (OER) or new media such as tablets and smart boards . We also long for an exchange with partners or/and schools that have longer experience with the topic of inclusive pedagogics . New international school certificates as alternatives to a-levels/Abitur are also of great interest for us . It appears to us that a general promotion of interdisciplinary , intercultural and inclusive skills in our school is very desirable : For example , strengthening the self-reflection at work as a teacher in the classroom , but also to get to know and estimate best practices and to learn to evaluate , for example, how schools can work on the basis of inclusive pedagogy or how we can differentiate more in classes, or make lessons more dialogic and student-centered. We have to develop the target based on fresh concepts , even for a much stronger and more concrete european cooperation, we need more awareness for new partners in managing the school, regularly involve EU-funding in our work, putting local issues stronger and clearer in an european and global relationship... We see the target, that in the future classrooms teachers can competently accompany and stimulate students in the production of artistic renderings , media or texts...

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