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Focus on Europe

It is a project in which the students by learning how to take photos will discover different educational tracks, especially how to become a professional photographer.During the project the students will take photos on the topics listed in the detailed schedule. All the ongoing activities e.g. taking photos, preparing exhibitions or visits in the partner schools will help the young people become more sensitive to the surrounding world. We also want to develop their desire for lifelong learning. Studying possible life career paths and awareness of the job choice will help the students choose and plan their future properly according to their abilities, needs and interests. We will teach them how to set up their own company e.g. a photographic studio and what stages of education they need to go through to become well-educated citizens of Europe.The results of the project will be presented on the specially created website. The students will upload and download their photos, comment on them, discuss and share ideas. The communication between them via the net will let them get to know each other and meeting their peers from the partner countries will hopefully help establish long lasting friendships. All of these will let them understand better the similarities and differences between people in Europe.The project will make the participants contribute to the public life and become active participants of the local community which will be involved in the project,too.The communication in English will increase the students’ language competence and the knowledge of other countries, cultures, traditions and customs.All of the project activities will equip the young people with the needed skills and knowledge and help them to move freely on the modern European employment market.
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4 Partners Participants