Flying NGO
Start date: Feb 1, 2016,
End date: May 31, 2017
"Flying NGO" came about as the result of a 3.1 project which took place in Gaziantep in August 2014 called "Youth Cooperation Forum". The training was about partnership on youth exchanges in general, and through this training it became apparent that the greatest challenge participating NGOs were facing related to resources - financial, human and personal. "Flying NGO" was created to meet this need and has 3 primary objectives: Exploring strategies to establish a financial base that includes funding from the localcommunity; exploring strategies to strengthen human resources through recruiting, motivating and empowering volunteers; exploring strategies to effectively manage and strengthen personal resources for NGO managers that will enable them to increase productivity simultaneously with maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Participants will be from; Bugaria, Georgia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia and TurkeyThere will be 28 participants in total from above mentioned countries including the trainers and facilitators.Profile of the participants;youth worker, a representative or a volunteer of an NGOactively involved in NGO and youth worksalready make projects with young people and active on youth informationready and committed to engage and participate fully in the activity at the planed dates.Objective:This project came about as the result of the needs expressed by participants from "Youth Cooperation Forum" to delve deeper in the topic of resources - financial, human and personal. It was after this training course that the creators and trainers from "Youth Cooperation Forum" met with the director of Istanbul Arel University and became aware of the successful system of research in the field that they had created from scratch not even being aware of funding programs such and Erasmus+. At this stage the idea came about to maximize the results of "Youth Cooperation Forum" by applying for a training course that specifically addresses the topic of resources while working with the same (along with some new) partners. This would give the opportunity not only to address this essential topic more in depth but also give the opportunity to Istanbul Arel University to become familiar with the Erasmus+ program in order to further increase Arel’s resources and capacity for supporting and implementing international projects, while at the same time working with trainers who are experienced with Erasmus+ and non-formal education to ensure the success and quality of all aspects of the training course. The way in which "Flying NGO” meets the objectives and priorities of the Erasmus+ How the main theme reflects the interests and needs of participants - The main concern expressed by participants during the "Youth Cooperation Forum" training course was lack of resources - financial, human and personal. This training course was created specifically to address this need and to explore new ways of providing the needed resources for a sustainable NGO. The working methods:Since the target group for this training is NGO managers, the training will focus on methods that take advantage in the best way possible of the knowledge, skills and experience of participants. Thus the training will combine sharing experiences, input, debates, simulations, role plays, and reflection individually and in small groups, and other such methods to ensure the maximum engagement and involvement of participants at every stage how the planned activities and working methods will contribute to the process of non-formal learning and to the promotion of social and personal development of young people involved in the project; how the young people will be actively involved in each stage of the project - The training methods are based on the non-formal learning and as mentioned above include maximum involvement and participation of the participants at every stage. The trainers that will implement this program are experienced not only with non-formal education methods but the approach and values needed to effectively work with non-formal education in varying contexts and with varying target groups. Particularly in this training course the active involvement of participants is essential to the training being able to reach its aims and the training is designed accordingly. Expected learning outcomes;Participants obviously will develop theirselves on the topics of; financial, personal and human resources skills in an NGO.participants will be able to;- better understanding of "learning to learn" and Erasmus+ YIA projects- to know more about non-formal methods- how to find funds and grants for the organisations- better understanding of management of an NGO- what erasmus+ grants are available for the NGOs - how to write projects and find partners for them- how to manage human resources and how to use them - goal settings for NGOs and personal motivation setting- seeing best practices and evaluating one's organisation