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"Flow Control: Reduced Order Modelling, Nonlinear Analysis and Control Design" (FLOCON)
Start date: Apr 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Fluid flow, i.e. the motion of liquids or gases, is a phenomenon that one encounters continuously in everyday life. The flow of air around the body of a car or the wing of an aircraft, the motion of petroleum through pipelines, flow of water in oceans and the motion of the clouds are only a few examples of fluid flows. Flow control refers to the ability to manipulate fluid flow to achieve a desired change in its behaviour. Flow control is very important from a technological point of view and offers many potential benefits, such as reducing fuel costs for land, air and sea vehicles, and improving effectiveness of industrial processes. Although this potential impact had been understood for a long time, the interest and funding on the topic had been modest, due to technological and economical difficulties regarding its implementation. The situation turned around dramatically with the recent advances on sensors, actuation and computing, as a result of which flow control today is more practical and economical than ever. EU’s strong interest to explore this direction is also indicated by its relevance to a high number of objectives within the FP7 Cooperation Programme, under the Transport (including Aeronautics) theme, Energy, Space and Security Themes. The project proposed aims at improving the state of the art in flow control through two main directions identified through the researcher’s past experience and research efforts in the field, namely: reduced order models amenable to control design and, nonlinear analysis and control design techniques. The research in the proposed project will investigate these directions through developing original and innovative methods that stem from the researcher’s earlier promising results. These methods have the potential of bringing a whole new perspective to the way we approach and attack flow control problems, advance the current state of the art, and eventually become an integral part of numerous technologies in diverse areas."
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