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FLORNET´S Mobility in Europe - Münster
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Who: 6 apprentices of the department of floristry ( Anne-Frank-Berufskolleg Schule der Sekundarstufe II der Stadt Münster ) Host partners: FLORNET transnational network as a cooperation between more then 30 partner colleges in floristry/horticulture in AT, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, HU, IT, LU, NL, NO, SE, SI, SK, EL and their regional network ( Aims of the apprentices: o following a part of their curriculum abroad /carrying out qualifying activities in the host country o test out their own personal didactical competences in an authentic learning situation o investigate/analyse the management of a flower shop abroad (according to EQF-level 4) o carry out and compare the different technical ways of working (making hand tied bouquets, wreaths, garlands, corsages, bridal bouquets, funeral arrangements, event decorations, etc.) abroad o study the Corporate Identity (CI, CD, CB, CC of the company) • Main aims of the mobility: o to fulfil the school's curriculum based on national and international needs o to develop international key competences o to integrate education by emphasizing European citizenship and entrepreneurship o to increase cultural awareness At the Anne-Frank-Berufskolleg Schule der Sekundarstufe II der Stadt Münster exchange of apprentices and students is a structural and encouraged part of its mission statement. During this project ECVET systematics will be integrated by using learning achievement units. • National needs: o the achievement of higher levels of employability and flexibility to learn skills in authentic environments are priorities of this project o experiencing new customs and using foreign languages stimulates to become more open to other ways of living/using flowers, other cultures, and to other points of view o obtaining various social/cultural experiences in a new cultural environment • European needs: o enhancement of the quality of education in floristry, of professional level and social status in floristry o exchange of professional and cultural knowledge, transparency of educational systems, supporting the development of EQF and ECVET systematics • Expected outcome: o new understanding of craftsmanship and use of aesthetical design will be useful for an innovative approach to apprentices’ future challenges/tasks in floristry. o apprentices become more employable, open minded and skilled European craftsman, able to use of each other’s knowledge and experience (knowledge circulation) through an international approach. • Where: FLORNET members and their regional network like: flower shops, interior design companies • When: placements take place between 01.06.2015 and 01.06.2016. The duration and timing of the placements has to fit into the curriculum. This mobility project offers every apprentice the possibility for a stay abroad of 3 weeks. Per week they are 1 day at the college, the other 4 days in a company.

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