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Flood modeling and logistic model development for flood crisis management (SAJOKRF)
Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Aug 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project contributes to the accomplishment of the priority of "Nature conservation, environmental protection and accessibility", as well as the program-level objective of the "protection of natural values". Within the framework of the joint, cross-border development strategy, the project is to define common objectives in the field of nature conservation, environmental protection and water management in connection with River Sajó crossing the Hungarian-Slovakian border and the Sajó Valley. The comprehensive strategic objective of the cooperation is the improvement of the flood protection capabilities of the region in possession of the digital base data acquired with the assessment of the Sajó Valley in terms of flood protection, and thereby promoting the economic and social development of the border region. This intervention contributes to specific objective 4 (Protection of natural and environmental values) of the program within the context of priority axis 2, and gives professional support to the accomplishment of the objectives of the EU's Water Framework Directive and the directive on the evaluation and management of flood risks, which is in fact the overall goal of the project. In addition to the protection of the natural values, the protection of the constructed environment, properties and not the least human lives is a priority objective in cross-border flood protection activities. Within the framework of this high-level cooperation, activities deemed to be specific objectives include:-Aerial hyperspectral and laser scanner assessment of River Sajó and the flood plain,-Assessment of the bed section by conventional means of geodesy,-Preparation of a Digital Terrain Model,-Preparation of a Digital Surface Model,-Preparation of a vegetation map,-Simulation-based modeling of flooding,-Organization, staging of the opening and closing conference, press conferences, workshops, and the issuance of press releases. Achievements: The aim of the project was to define common objectives in the field of nature conservation, environment protection and water management in the catchment area of the river Sajó/Slaná. The strategic objective was the improvement of the flood protection capabilities of the region with flood simulation modelling based on airborne hyperspectral and LIDAR surveys.

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  • 85%   185 130,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Slovak Republic (HU-SK)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website