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Flexibilisierung von Industriekaufleuten und Kaufleuten für Büromanagement für den internationalen Arbeitsmarkt
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The vocational school Dinkelsbühl wants to send trainees (industrial clerks and office management clerks) to English work placements in Brighton and St. Albans. The project's title is: "Improved flexibility of industrial clerks and clerks for office management for the international employment market". They are going to fulfill clerical work in an English work environment and to live in British host families. The English partner organisation Work Placement UK (WPUK) supervises the group, organises the work placements, the language course and the host families. Two teachers accompany the group and will be inBrighton / St. Albans together with the trainees all the time. There will be minor teenagers taking part in the mobility, too. The trainees have learnt English for at least six years at school and their minimum degree is the German version of GCSE. Some have higher degrees up to A-levels. The mobility consists of two flows, one in autumn 2015 and one in autumn 2016, each with around 30 trainees with a duration of 18 days each time. The trainees are going to work at their work placements for 10 days and attend a language course at a certified language school for two days. They should work with authentic English documents and be encouraged and trained in oral and written communication skills. These are also goals in the curriculum and the training regulations. The trainees should achieve competences in cooperating with colleagues and clients of different culutural backgrounds. That goal should also be achieved by their stay in British host families. One main goal is to encourage them to tolerance and open-mindedness towards other cultures. The mobility is supposed to boost their English language skills, their expertise and interdisciplinary skills as well as their social competences to help them to facilitate their future careers within a European business market. It should also help them to become politically mature, responsible, self-assured, tolerant and open minded citizens of the European Union. The internationally oriented Franconian businesses require confident behavior even in the context of the globalized market and conversations in foreign languages. The mobility is going to be well prepared. The trainees are going to attend courses on their cultural awareness and language skills. A continuous monitoring process as well as a continuous evaluation of the outcome concerning the learners’ language skills and expertise is going to complete the project. Both will be executed by WPUK and the teachers. Another goal is to widen the horizon and open-mindedness of the trainees. This is going to be achieved by a cultural program. The project is going to be published in the local press (newspapers and radio) and online. We are going to have a blog and there are going to be presentations in front of politicians and employers. The trainees are going to sign learning agreements on the basis of ECVET and receive Europass documents (europass-mobility and Europass-CV). The voactional school Dinkelsbühl profits from the mobility as it may prevent trainees to look for jobs and schooling elsewhere.
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