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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background The present application by the Ems-Berufskolleg für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung des Kreises Gütersloh (college of further education for business and administration in the district Gütersloh) is based on a network of 33 vocational colleges from East-Westphalia-Lippe which has been efficiently cooperating for several years. Together with the regional chambers of industry and commerce in Bielefeld and Detmold and the chamber of crafts in Bielefeld (IHK Bielefeld, IHK Detmold, HWK Bielefeld), providers of continuing education and training (IHK-Akademie OWL, Initiative für Beschäftigung OWL e.V.) and the regional administration in Detmold (EU office) this network aims at ensuring that by the end of initial education and training young people have developed international key competences and know-how. Aims of the Project It is the project’s aim to allow students to gain practical experience in a foreign company and to develop professional as well as intercultural and language skills. This newly acquired knowledge increases students’ employability in international companies, improves mobility and enables them to think and act in an entrepreneurial and European manner. Participants are supposed to actively shape and organise their working, living and learning environment and strengthen their European identity. The documents EUROPASS Mobility and EUROPASS CV support and improve efficiency, quality and recognition of the work placement abroad as part of a vocational training. Number of participants and target group - Students attending a full-time course leading to two qualifications: Advanced technical college certificate/university entrance qualification (A-levels) + vocational qualification according to federal state law (course of study for assistants, e.g. business assistants) - Students attending a two-year full-time course (commercial college) with a focus on Europe leading to the advanced technical college certificate; moreover students must have acquired general professional skills. The total number of participants within the 24-months project period is 40 students (30 students attending the course of study for assistants; 10 participants from the commercial college). Internships will last for two, three or four weeks in one of 29 EU countries. They will be supervised and coordinated by the vocational colleges in East Westphalia-Lippe. Description of activities and procedures of project realisation Interested young people take part in a reliable process that helps them with all requirements and difficulties from the first contact to the reflection of the work placement and provides them with language and intercultural preparation. In addition, individual tasks and assignments will be created for each student. After that students gain practical experience in European companies and acquire knowledge and skills relevant to the labour market. After they have returned home, participants reflect the work placement by writing a report and creating a PowerPoint presentation. The project is also evaluated and published by the partners (sending and receiving institutions/colleges/companies) and the EU office. Description of intended results, effects and expected long-term benefits By gaining international competences, experience abroad and mobility, the participant improves his chances on the national and international job market as these requirements are increasingly becoming an important part of job profiles. Time spent abroad together with occupational experience is an excellent opportunity for acquiring international and business skills as well as soft skills. Participants act in international terms and strengthen their European identity. Companies are provided with trainees respectively applicants with openness to mobility, a wide range of soft skills and business competence who can act appropriately at European level. Through the project FIT FOR EUROPE companies also open up to staff from the entire European job market, since the close cooperation between the participating institutions results in an exchange, transfer and evaluation of knowledge, procedures and techniques. For all participating institutions synergetic effects are generated. The outcome in form of participants‘ reports, photo documentations, PowerPoint presentations and oral performances are edited as far as possible for printing and/or documentation on CD and then made available for network users or on the internet. The participating vocational colleges show a great interest in publishing the trainees’ experiences in the local or regional press. As with all previous EU projects, the EU office together with the chambers and training partners will again offer meetings with best practice examples for training companies and for the the 33 vocational colleges in the administrative district - not least for the purpose of continuity in acquiring international competences in vocational training.
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