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FIT FÜR DEN CEF( Common European Framework for Modern Languages): Innovative Lehrmethoden zur Individualisierung im Rahmen der Standardisierung
Start date: Jun 30, 2014, End date: Jun 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

FIT FOR THE CEF (Common European Framework ): Innovative teaching methods to guarantee individualisation within the limits of standardisation. The school aims at raising the level of teaching and learning in the subject English. Being involved in the pilot project of "Standardisierte kompetenzorientierte Reifeprüfung Englisch" the school has already gained experience with the standards and reqirements of the CEF and is now planning to take a next step towards putting special emphasis on individualisation and competency based learning and teaching by innovative teaching methods. The current project is supposed to initiate this process of quality improvement and focusses on: > improvig the teachers´ language competence > improving the teachers´ pedagogical and didactic skills: pedagogical and didactic concepts and skills are expected to be aquired through international exchange and to be adapted to the specific needs of PdC BORG Radstadt > adding further European contacts to the school´s network ( Coubertin Schools Network) in order to intensify exchange of teaching methods, topics and criteria for quality > intensifying the use of modern media and technologies in classroom In project phase 1 the teachers´competences should be improved through special teacher training in Ireland. The teachers selected by the teaching staff are English teachers of PDC BORG Radstadt and both involved in the school´s quality management process. One of the teachers has been head of the English Department for seven years, has thus been coordinating the pilot phase of the "Standardisierte kompetenzorientierte Reifeprüfung Englisch" at PDC BORG Radstadt and has been responsible for pedagogical and didactic concepts in the subject English. The second candidate is both English teacher and the school´s headmistress and therefore responsible for quality management .In a staff meeting ( Feb,3, 2014) they were selected as the school´s participants The teacher training is expected to provide the participants with the opportunity to > improve language competence and pronunciation >develop lesson plans >plan and prepare classroom projects > learn how to use modern technologies in classroom > take part in work shadowing ( observing native English teachers) The results we expect are: >that the teachers will have improved their own language competence and be able to use this new competence effecively in classroom >that the teachers will use the newly learned methods and models in classroom to motivate their students, to improve the oral and written output and to be able to focus on individalization > that the students will profit from their teachers´competence and from the newly learned methods >that the knowledge gained from the international exchange will have a positive effect on developing organisational structures, school projects and syllabus > that the knowledge abot the Irrish culture and people will be passed on to colleagues and thus form a basis for future projects and and school trips to Irelend. In the long run we expect the current training programme and its results to function as a trigger for extended national and international exchange(based on the Coubertin School Network) about pedagogical and didactic concepts.This again is expected to have a positive effect on students´performances and their results in the final exams in English which will lay the foundation for developing their professional flexibility both in Austria and internationally.

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