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Fit for Europe: Betriebspraktika des Lippe-Berufskollegs 2015
Start date: Dec 15, 2014, End date: Dec 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project which is described here is a summary of the Europass mobility activities that have been performed so far by the Lippe-Berufskolleg. They all had similar concepts and were covered by this one application. The first activity was a work placement for automotive mechatronics technicians in Cork, Ireland, which was initiated by the Lippe-Berufskolleg Lippstadt for apprentices in the dual system during their first training. It was managed by our Irish partner organization ?Green Horizons?, i. e. Margaret Greaney and Irene O?Connor. The need which led to applying for the activity was the acquisition of technical knowledge in automotive engineering. With the growing globilization in the automotive industry, the importance of the English language has been increasing, which led to the second need, the improvement of English language skills. Another aspect was getting familiar with another culture, overcoming prejudice and being prepared for an open Europe. The main objectives were defined according to the needs: Acquiring technical skills, improving language skills and getting to know a different culture, in this case the Irish culture. As a result, we expected the trainees to return from their internship abroad with a stronger personality, the ability to solve problems using alternative solutions, more confidence in using the English language and a tolerant approach regarding different cultures. These objectives were met to the greatest extent. Another activity was the continuation of the project ?Fit for Europe: Work placements of the European class?. An essential idea of the European class, which was established in 2009, was to offer the students an internship with a company in a European country. After finishing their course, the students intend to do an apprenticeship in a commercial organisation and possibly to take up business studies at a university of applied sciences. At first the students took part in a one-week language course. During this time they had an interview with a representative of their future host company. The language course was followed by a 4-week internship in the administration or business department of a selected, suitable company. The students were accommodated with host families , either individually or in groups of two. The intention was that the pupils should improve their language skills by participating in a language course in Ireland, by using the everyday language with their host families and by talking about business, commercial and administrative topics in their host companies. It was also intended that they should get to know the world of work and the working conditions in Ireland, thus enabling them to make comparisons. Sightseeing, day trips and the participation in puplic life also served to get to know the cultural characteristics of a different European country. Another objective was to promote their mobility through the experience of another European country/a foreign environment and to strengthen their independence. The increasing importance of the cooperation between European countries is an essential objective, both in the field of administrative and business areas of the students? future employers. An essential aspect was the improvement of language skills, which will help them to cope with a foreign language in the world of work. These objectives have also been met to a great extent.
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