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Fit for Business Growth
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Please provide a short summary of your project. Please recall that this section [or part of it] may be used by the European Commission, Executive Agency or National Agencies in their publications. It will also feed the Erasmus+ dissemination platform. Be concise and clear and mention at least the following elements: Context/background of project; objectives of your project; number and profile of participants; description of activities; methodology to be used in carrying out the project; a short description of the results and impact envisaged and finally the potential longer term benefits. Large companies and public sector organisations use Wellness and High Performance Work Practices to support business growth, improve staff productivity and to support staff welfare. Small and medium sized enterprises (SME) rarely use such methods. Stress in the work place, especially in growing SMEs is becoming a major risk to economic growth. Stress-related absences impact on individual and organisational performance and tend to be longer than absences arising from other causes. EU-OSHA’s 2014 report argues the associated costs of work-related stress to individuals and employers are significant (e.g. lower income; reduced quality of life; absenteeism, presenteeism, reduced productivity, increased staff turnover. Work-related stress impacts on national economic performance and health costs. In the UK, it is estimated at £4billion per year to (Employee Wellbeing 2011/CIPD 2010). Work-related stress impacts negatively not only the performance individuals, SMEs, but also on national and European economic performance. The project aims to contribute to improving the performance of SMEs experiencing or aspiring to achieve high growth (e.g. average annualised growth in employees or in turnover greater than 20% a year, over a three-year period) within a national and European context. Partners will bring together three different bodies of knowledge (i.e. Wellness programmes, High Performance Work Practices and High Growth Business Coaching) to synthesise a Fit for Business Growth Model and methodology. By adopting best project management practices, the latest blended learning techniques and practices and this new model, partners aim to be an ‘exemplar’ project that will act as a ‘demonstrator’ project for future Erasmus+ projects. The project will involve 100 participants from the target group: potential and/or actual high growth SMEs. They will implement the Fit for Business Growth Model within in their business. They will be supported by 50 business growth coaches trained to deliver business growth coaching using the Fit for Business Model and Wellness and High Performance Work Practices. Fit for Business Growth will result in measurable improvements in the performance of enterprises. This impact will be captured and used to stimulate a national and European debate with VET and SME policy makers regarding the wider use of Wellness and High Performance Work Practices and business growth coaching and the Fit for Business Growth Model as a mechanism for improving the performance of Europe’s SME. Partners will publish a policy paper called, ‘A New Strategy: Fit for Business Growth’. The paper will be presented at a series of national conferences, entitled, is ‘Releasing the Potential of High Growth SMEs’. The project will aim to demonstrate the potential impact on economic performance and job creation resulting from the adoption and widening of the project up to and beyond 2020.

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3 Partners Participants