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First Step of EVS
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

First Step of EVS is an Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service Project. Isanbul Arel University is the coordinating and sedning organisation within the project. Our project aims to include young people with fewer opportunities. İstanbul Arel University from Turkey is the coordinating and sending organisation, and organisations from Romania, Ukraine, Macedonia and Poland are the hosting organisations Our main goal to prepare this project application is to include our young people with fewer opportunities in international voluntary activities. By this project our young people will come together with other young people from abroad especially young people from Europe and this will help them to have the idea of European and Global citizenship. Within this framework we wanted to apply this project and include our young people in EVS activities. TThe project includes 30 young people in 1 month EVS programmer. Our activities are aiming directly to include volunteers in it. Non-formal, formal and informal learning styles are combined in the activities but main focus will be non-formal and experimental learning. Activity flow; CREED - Neamt Dumbrava Roise, Romanya 2 volunteer for each month for 1 month service during the 3 months in total including 6 volunteers between July-September FFCASEC- Fumuremi, Romanya; 2 volunteer for each month for 1 month service during the 3 months in total including 6 volunteers between July-September EFM - Bystrzyca Klodzka, Polonya First 2 months on June and July there will be only 1 volunteer included for 1 month and on september 4 volunteers in the same time for 1 month Together - Bitola, Makedonya; 2 volunteer for each month for 1 month service during the 3 months in total including 6 volunteers between July-September Center for European Initiatives - Sumy, Ukrayna; 2 volunteer for each month for 1 month service during the 3 months in total including 6 volunteers between June - August Our main target group is young people with fewer opportunities and our activities are designed to include these youth group. In the end of activities these young people with fewer opportunities will develop theirselves in social and cultural way. Their employability will be developed as well as they are going to develop their personal and social skills. Our project aims to create international mobility and mobility awareness within the young people in short term and in long term we are aiming to contribute youth participation.

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