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Findhorn Foundation College - Butterfly Effect 2011
Start date: Jul 1, 2011,

Butterfly Effect 2011 brings together 30 young people and 8 group leaders from 6 countries (Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom) for two weeks (13th - 26th August 2011) to the Findhorn eco-village to experience a light-weight community-like event and to learn about sustainability whilst in close contact to nature.The main theme of the exchange is 'sustainability', a theme that will be examined with a holistic approach on various levels using different learning methods. Participants will have the chance to experience life in nature with a low impact on the environment. Many of the methods used are nature-based and derived from techniques used by various ancient cultures and indigenous peoples. Alongside the nature based experiential sessions, the exchange includes typical non-formal learning methods such as group work, workshops, simulations, brainstormings, reflections and excursions.The main objectives of the project are to experience living in a community-style outdoor camp with a low environmental impact; to explore the many levels of sustainability; deepen the understanding of interdependency with nature through positive personal experience in nature; exchange experiences and knowledge about sustainability and our relationships to nature with people from other countries; learn practical skills for light-weight/low impact living and camping; empower participants for future initiatives, activities and projects.
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