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Find Your Potential
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Find your Potential is a 5 day training activity for 20 youth workers from Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Participants will be 18+ of age. The venue of the activity is Zagreb (Sljeme), Croatia. The activity will take a place from 03rd of October to 09th of October 2016.Youth unemployment is a complex issue that has to be dealt with by many sides by different sectors of society. One of the aspects of the problem is chronic lack of institutional support, facilitation and guidance, and direct communication with youth who need help and counselling while transitioning to the labour market. Since we cannot directly influence change in the state institutional system we see the need to work on strengthening the NGO sector working in the field of youth. The project will provide youth workers (YW) with the knowledge and skills to use an innovative coaching method (G.R.O.W.) in their organisations and communities when working with youth (long-term or recently unemployed). The focus of this project is to strengthen youth workers to use the G.R.O.W. method in order to provide youth with the needed support while entering the labour market – YW will be able to approach the problems and need of youth more openly, help them analyse their situation, define their goals, set action steps and, ultimately, achieve their professional goals. The impact will display in several aspects of participants' attitudes, skills and behaviour - they will develop entrepreneurial spirit, enhance their abilities to learn, improve their communication, presentation and intrapersonal skills, improve their ability for teamwork, and enhance their commitment to youth in their communities.We expect that most of the participants’ will act as multipliers after the training course and develop quality activities for unemployed young people. Projekt "Find Your Potential" održat će se u Zagrebu (Sljeme) od 03. do 09. listopada te je osmišljen kao 5-dnevni trening za 20 sudionika starosti 18 godina na više, koji se u svom radu aktivno bave s problemima i potrebama maldih osoba. Prijavljeni sudionici dolaze iz partnerskih zemalja, Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine te programskih zemalja Slovenije i Hrvatske.Tema projekta je nezaposlenost mladih što je ujedno kompleksan problem u našem društvu te zahtjeva da ga se sagleda i pristupi s različitih gledišta. Jedan od načina gledišta na problem je i kronični nedostatak institucionalne potpore, facilitacije, pružanja smjernica te direktne komunikacije s mladim osobama kojima je potrebna pomoć pri prelasku iz obrazovnog sustava na tržište rada.Obzirom da ne možemo direktno utjecati na promjene unutar složenog sistema institucija smatramo da je važno poticati i osnaživati nevladine udruge koje se bave problemima i potrebama mladih. Projekt će sudionicima približiti, objasniti i ponuditi coaching alat (GROW model) kroz iskustveni trening te će stečena znanja moći primijeniti u svom radu s mladima. Fokus je stoga osnažiti osobe koje sustavno rade s mladima kroz njihov prijelazni period iz obrazovnog sektora na tržište rada na način da ćemo im pružiti inovativnu metodu kojom će moći približiti se mladima, njihovim potrebama te analizirati situaciju, odrediti ciljeve, postaviti plan u svrhu prepoznavanja vlastitog potencijala.Utjecaj na sudionike odrazit će se na njihove stavove, znanja, mogućnosti i ponašanja te će ujedno razviti poduzetnički duh, povećati njihov potencijal i znanja u radu s mladima, ali i njihov osobni napredak. Očekujemo da će većina sudionika aktivno širiti stečena znanja na održanom treningu i koristiti isto u svrhu osmišljavanja kvalitetnih programa na temu nezaposlenosti mladih.
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3 Partners Participants