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Find your inner inventor
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project is to develop and verify in practice training module Find your inner inventor, which will be be used for VET schools as a supplement to the teaching of Economics and Business subjects .Sub-objectives of the project:- to analyse the educational needs of students of VET schools in product development and business skills.- to develop key competencies of students of VET, especially transversal skills: creativity, effective presentations, enterpreneurship.- to give students contact with the scientific communities and eliminate their fear of science.- to show students a comprehensive business process project cycle from developing an idea to its launching to the market.- to improve the presentation skills of the students. Within the project we want to cooperate with our foreign partners and use their specific skills in the field. In the Czech Republic currently a similar model doesn't exists. Therefore, we have chosen international cooperation with our partners, who solve in their own countries similar themes, and their previous experience will help us to generate high-quality results that will have the desired impact on the target group of VET students. In this project we will cooperate with University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland, and with University of Iceland. First of all we will do an analysis of the educational needs of students. Based on this we will set up the objectives of a new programme, prepare a structure of a new innovative programme and start working on the particular parts. The programme will consists of 5 educational days + the dissemination event that will be held at the university. As soon as the developing phase is over we will start to implement it into practice and check the results. We will introduce the programme to the VET schools we cooperate with. There will be at least 200 students per each country involved in the testing phase. At the end of the testing phase we will do the final correction of the programme and prepare a brochure for VEt schools that can be interested. We will also organize a conference in each participating country for VET schools that are not a part of this project to introduce a programme to them.The impact of our project will be aimed at VET schools as well as at universities. Both groups will acquire a new experience, number of new competences as well as they will develop their present ones. The programme is aimed to show students that running their own business is not impossible. The programme can help students in their future decissions connected to their own self-emploability or choosing their future studies. VET teachers will first of all gain a new methodology that can be used in their teaching of economy and business subjects. They will also get an experience that learning by doing is very effective way of developing students‘ copmpetencies.As soon as the project activities are over, we will have the complex methodology of Find your inner inventor available not only for our use but also for other schools and universities interested in this kind of programme.

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