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Financial support for Eurostudent Albania
Start date: Jan 7, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Eurostudent VI survey constitutes a key tool in drafting public policies in accordance with EU standards and that best serve to the interest of students. Albania's involvement in Eurostudent VI survey is important for the following reasons: First, by participating in this initiative Albania addresses a subsequent EU progress report recommendation: to enhance membership in European Networks on Higher education and to enhance its presence in European Research Area activities. More concretely the EU 2015 progress report namely recommends that Albania shall participate in Eurostudent VI survey. Secondly, by enrolling itself in Eurostudent VI Survey Albania enhances its capacities to collect reliable data on higher education and on its social and economic aspects. These data constitute a key tool for delivering evidence-based public policies in the area of higher education. Such policies are the best means to positively influence the sector's development and to successfully implement the reform in higher education and scientific research. In compliance with its entry requirements for participation in Eurostudent VI survey Albania has already signed the Participant Country Contract and appointed the research execution team and the contact point. The research team is composed by extinguished professors part of Statistical Department of the Economic Faculty of the University of Tirana. Selection of the team was done in compliance with the Eurostudent guidelines. Participation of Albania in Eurostudent VI Survey brings several benefits in regard to higher education at European and national level. Nevertheless, despite positive trends the budget of MES for such activities remains limited. Within this framework, the co-fiancing by the EU of the entrance fee for Albania constitutes substantial assistance for the country to successfully perform Eurostudent VI activities.

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