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Fin de siècle – 19. Jahrhundert
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In this project we will focus on the everyday history of the 19th century. How did the industrial revolution changed the everyday life? The technological revolution has changed not only the material a life, but also the way of thinking. On this topic we can work interdisciplinary (topics such as physics, science, labor rights, emancipation, social problems, etc.) 5 partners from 4 European countries (Czech Republic, Italy, Slovenia and Germany) will focus with students aged 15-20 on various aspects of that era. We want to know how each city and region have changed during the industrial revolution. Let us, for example, focus on the architecture of the factories, examine the living conditions of the locals. How long have they worked and in what conditions? We want to enable students to understand the spirit of the time. What we have in common with the people who have lived here 150 years ago? And what had changed? The borders of the national states were drawn in the 19th century - some states haven´t existed independently yet (eg Czech Republic, Slovenia), some states just started to create common identity(Italy, Germany). During the 19th century nationalism started to separate people in new states, while the industrial revolution had united them in certain sense. We organize 4 international symposia for a total of 140 students from 4 countries, we create a photo calendar from the 19th century, photo books about our cities and towns or website of the project. The theme is also of interest for our regions and cities because we will explore with students the local history and the results will be published. Almost all partnerss have made the first good experience in the Comenius project "Never again! against dictatorship, war and violence". The purpose of this project is a continuation of the good cooperation. As a new partner, we have addressed the Slovenian school so that we get a broader basis for the historical research. It is important for us that we continue in the well established international cooperation. Our students are more motivated to understand their own history and present for others . The comparison with others and learning the differences, also helps students to be opened to the new, unknown - and thereby strengthens tolerance and curiosity.

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4 Partners Participants