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Filmowa droga do Urzedowa
Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

A Film route to UrzędA3w is a project prepared by a group of young people from UrzędA3w, who want to share their passion for documentary film with others. The organization that supports the whole undertaking is Voluntary Centre in KraA›nik. The subject of the project is to present basic element of film art to young people living in small municipalities in KraA›nik district. The person mainly responsible for the idea of the project is PrzemysA‚aw ChruA›cielewski, who is at present an academic teacher, tutor at Polish Public Film University and a maker of many documentary films. Within the project 12 participants will be able to learn more about art of making documentary films, acquire skills such as how to use professional film equipment and to make their own documentary film. The main objective of the project is to convince young participants that despite insubstantial funds, poor social background, people with ideas and passions can change their lives and the social life of their community.The main action of the project is a film workshop, taking place during Polish Meeting of Fans of Astronomy. The skills and broad knowledge acquired during the workshop will enable making individual films ,and will be a chance to develop talents. Other activities include integration of the participants, improvisational theatre workshop and performance of improvisational theatre group.The effect of the project will be a film on the participants of XV Polish Meeting of Fans of Astronomy made by young people taking part in the project.The film prepared during the project will be presented to the local communities within KraA›nik district, sent to national film festivals which will support promotion of young talents from KraA›nik district.

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