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Fiatal "zöldút" szervezők, természetbarátok és környezeti nevelési szakemberek közép-európai találkozója
Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project proposal was initiated by the Association. The 3 project partners (Ukraine, Croatia and Serbia) were chosen on the basis of previous cooperation and the recommendation of partner organisations. Also, previous experience of the organizations in the field of youth work, their open and positive approach towards the directives of environmental protection and sustainability of the EU and related good practices, their willingness to adopt best practices in their country was taken into consideration. The long-term objective of the project is the promotion of the greenway movement and the creation of new greenways. Mutual goals of the cooperating organizations are: the improvement and promotion of environmentally conscious behaviour and lifestyle; awareness raising; organization of cultural, sport and other recreational programmes (informal, experience-based learning); urban development; the strengthening of civil communities; facilitating the advancement of young people by helping them acquire new competencies, building connections and cooperation with like-minded individuals and organizations within Hungary and abroad. We belive that this project proposal will serve the realization of the above goals.Participants of the project are young people of the age of 16-26. Gender balance will be taken care of during the programmes, and we would like to involve disadvantaged young people as well.Participants will get acquainted with community-based greenway development, the methods and tools of environmental education, edible wild plants and their use in everyday nutrition, European ecotourism qualification systems and waste management.During the programmes participants will experience and actively take part in both non formal and informal learning situations. They will have the opportunity the meet, connect with and learn from peers from other countries. They will learn about and so broaden their knowledge on environmental protection, nature protection and sustainable development, which will lead to the development of their personality. By learning about digital world, online marketing and the development of civil communities their labor market position and opportunities will improve. The planned activities will stimulate their initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship, digital competencies and multulingualism.As a result of the project the number of individuals and organizations committed to nature protection, environmental education and sustainable development will increase. The experiences gained and competencies acquired will well be utilized during future operation of the participating organizations, so the project contributes to the strengthening of partner organizations and to the increase of the efficiency of their work. By and large, the project through its impacts will lead to a more environmentally conscious social practice that is in compliance with the objectives of the European Union.

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3 Partners Participants