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Festivalu Urban "Shred Sev"
Start date: May 1, 2008,

Urban Festival "Shred Sev"The project, based on a youth initiative, is centered around organizing an underground culture festival, that contains activities organized on a strictly regional level (photo exhibition, short films projection, Critical Mass, events developed by and for young people from the Mehedin?i county) or on a national level (skateboarding and graffiti contests, attended by participants from across the country). All events will take place simultaneously, during three days, in Drobeta Turnu Severin.In the 3 months in which the festival is planned and, afterwards, evaluated, we aim to:" Develop the entrepreneurial abilities and creativity of the 58 young people involved in organizing the festival;" Create the opportunity of participating in a festival designed at european standards, during 3 days, for 400 adolescents unfavored geographically, culturally and economically;" Consolidate a network among 300 teenagers, building up their self-confidence and strengthening their individuality and uniqueness;" Promote for 3 months among 1000 inhabitants of the city an insufficiently known culture;" Organize the first alternative culture festival in Drobeta Turnu-Severin.The ideas of events, their implementation and evaluation rely entirely on the dedication of the youth, supported by their coordinator.

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