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Φέρνοντας τα πάνω-κάτω στη σχολική μονάδα
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The school was founded in 1985 in the Municipality of Peristeri, Greece. It is a public school and it belongs to the Secondary compulsory education. With approximately 30 teachers of various specialties, every year the organization welcomes around 280 students, in the age of 12-15 years, who attend their school lessons. The school unit operates an Integration Class for pupils with learning difficulties requiring further support and guidance. The school has developed partnerships with local agencies aimed at the training of teachers and parents. In addition, scientists are invited to inform students on issues such as cyber bullying, cinema, health etc. Furthermore, every year, many cultural and health programs are implemented and presented in events at the school year end. Teachers who intend to participate in training programs are 7 with specialties such as Greek Language, Aesthetic Education, Foreign Languages, Home Economics, Physical education. They have successfully implemented various cultural programs and one participation in a Comenius project. One of the teachers is willing to attend English lessons in UK in order to improve her understanding of written and spoken English, including pronunciation. She will gain confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing. She will also develop a greater awareness of grammar structure and vocabulary, authentic and appropriate language, formal and informal language, so she can communicate more fluently and effectively in English. The school unit has made preregistration for all the participants and has signed a letter of intent with a second educational institution in Italy for two more training programs. At the first training program in Italy, five teachers are willing to be trained in new teaching methods in Italy that combine the new technologies and are oriented more in Student centered learning methods. The aim is to change and adapt the teaching to the peculiarities, abilities and needs of students in order to attract their interest and participate more actively in the educational process. Furthermore, participants teachers will gain experience and more confidence to develop e-twinning and mobility programs. Initially, participants will prepare for their participation in training via videoconferencing with the partner institution and organize the details of the visit in the host country. Participants will learn more about managing an effective and up to date classroom. Through interactive and engaging activities they will share classroom strategies, learn how to establish classroom rules, provide clear instructions, monitor, develop rapport, incorporate pair and group work, and gain tips for encouraging students to reflect on their own classroom behaviour. Upon completion of training, participant teachers will design Sample teachings which will be attended by the teachers who didn't participate in training. In addition, there will be dissemination of the results to teachers who don't belong to school unit through cooperation with the Pedagogical Director of the school unit, the specialty consultants, the collaborating agencies. Already there has been an agreement with the school counselor of Home Economics and the 2th Regional Training Center of Athens for the dissemination of results to schools and areas of their responsibility. At the second training program in Italy, the participant is the CEO of the school unity who will attend a course about school management. The principal of school unity will have the opportunity to learn 'by doing' through a range of activities and experiences aimed toward promoting higher student self-esteem, increased student involvement and greater cohesion among teachers, students and their families. Also, he will understand, identify and combat early school-leaving, negative school-family relations and the early signs of teacher burn-out. By the end of the course, he will have acquired greater knowledge about how creativity, improved communication and enhanced relational skills can be effective allies in discouraging school-leaving and favoring a more meaningful school experience. In the long term, the school aims to develop communication and exchange good practices with organizations from other countries in order to enhance teaching and make it attractive for the entire educational community. Moreover, the school wants to give opportunities for teachers to improve their teaching skills and methods.
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