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Fellesfag - yrkesfag - relevans
Start date: Aug 15, 2016, End date: Aug 14, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school has for several years had students in mobilityprojects. This has given us very good experiences. The teachers has told about useful information both an upper secondary school in Estonia, hospital and kindergarten about different teaching methods. No we want to improve our skills and try to be even more open-minded. That is why we apply for funding to try job-shadowing and improving teaching methods during courses planned and offered by eTwinning. We are sorry to say that we do not have made any specific arrangement yet, but are sure that our partners for mobility for students are happy to have teacher job-shadowing another time. The same with High school teaching health and child and youth care in TallinnBefore any training, job-shadowing or courses fraom eTwinning the teacher has to make a plan how to implant the new knowledgement in their own class and in school to take care of thes schools main tasks
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