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FCT Europeas
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project includes, together with the rest of the activities in the school, an innovative focus towards Europe as a great opportunity for the students to reach abilities and competences which could not be reached otherwise. European FCTs propose an incentive for students together with the possibility to fulfil their vocational training studies in an academic and professional surrounding, which is only provided by travelling among the European countries. Improving students’ linguistic competences through languages courses, and increasing the possibilities of joining the workforce, have been therefore two of the main goals of this project, which lasts from June 2015 to June 2016. It has been organised in three different stages- preparation, development, and assesment and checking. The participants have been two of the students from our vocational training in Leading Physical and Sports Activities because their profile corresponded perfectly with the activities proposed in the hosting centre: conducting and organizing sport activities, group dynamics, economic and material planning and managing , etc. The results were very positive. The students were chosen according to academic achievements, knowledge of languages, behavior, and social risk situation; moreover, instruments such as Europass were used to prove acquired competences. The expected final result was the improvement of the linguistic abilities and the possibility of joining the workforce. As for the partner organization , an improvement in the European development and linguistic planning was expected, as they could count on the help of native Spanish students to improve their level of Spanish within their trilingual project, Last but not least, we have tried to improve the educational offer in vocational training and also to introduce gradually our European development planning. The results have been good. All of this means that we will reach our target in a long term: a larger recognition from the European institutions and interconnection between groups and institutions in different European countries, that is, a convergence among different states.

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