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Favoriser l’apprentissage de la langue française à travers les activités artistiques et culturelles, l’apprentissage interculturel et la lutte contre la xénophobie
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: May 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Jules Verne center is a school that promotes and teach French through a non-formal learning. The school is open from Monday till Friday 7.30 to 22h. The mornings are devoted to the preschool children/kindergarten. About 10 children from 2,5 to 5 years old come to the bilingual class. The afternoons and the evenings are devoted to the young people from 6 to 22 and to adults. They are divided into proficiency levels to learn French. The activities and the classes are in French. We work a lot with arts like theater, music and fairy tales. The young volunteer who will be hosted in this center will work with the preschool children as well as with the adults and young people. She could set up non-formal activities to teach them French.

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