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Fashion International Internship
Start date: Sep 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Fashion International Internship” (acronym FIT) is addressed to the training needs of young students, which have directed their studies at the fashion industry and clothing manufacturing. The aim of the project is to promote the integration between skills acquired in formal educational contexts, learning on the job, organizational behaviour and soft skills, in order to improve the preparation of students and support their future entry into the labour market. Implementing FIT project, will be provided five weeks placements abroad in the summer, to 70 students of 3rd and 4th year of high school. They are students from Institute "A. Volta "(studying section" Fashion System") and Artistic High School" San Leucio (studying section "Fashion Design"). Through the internship abroad, beneficiaries may improve their key skills, technical and linguistic skills, by living an experience that integrates skills and knowledge learned at school, with training in the workplace, in an international context. The internships will take place in enterprises in the following countries: United Kingdom; France Spain Czech Republic; Portugal. The project can produce important results, both within the expected learning outcomes for the students involved, both for the impact that the project may have on the local level and for the organizations involved. Specifically, the expected results are: - contribute to the education of young people through transnational mobility experience, in order to improve their key skills, abilities, technical and professional knowledge in line with needs of labour market; - promote the mobility of young people to increase their soft skills, including linguistic and cultural enrichment, which can affect their growth and employability; - improve the educational offer of schools, by acting positively on the capacities of the institutions involved to enrich the curricula for learners with European experiences and methodologies; - encourage the participation of companies, ONG; business associations and local authorities in order to create europeans networks of organizations involved in educational and vocational training ; - promote the professionalization of youth in a strategic sector for the regional economy; - improve transparency in the recognition of qualifications, adopting ECVET key documents (Memorandum of Understanding, Learning Agreement, Personal Transcript); FIT project, realized in the framework of Erasmus Plus Program - KA 1 VET, is applied by a consortium of public and private organizations: Association Informamentis Europa (coordinator of the consortium); Institute Of Higher Secondary Education “A. Volta”; Artistic High School “San Leucio”; Confindustria Caserta; Chamber of Commerce Caserta; Company “Quaredo Confezioni SRL; Company “Setificio San Leucio” S.R.L .; company “A.G.K. ITALY S.R.L.”. The consortium was created to encourage active cooperation between public and private organizations, that can provide innovative learning opportunities, in order to involve effectively young people in VET experiences.
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