European Projects
Start date: Jun 15, 2016,
End date: Jun 14, 2017
Each individual comes from different socio-cultural environment and has different previous knowledge. In this regard, individuals learning styles, interests, capabilities and skills shows individual differences. Each student is unique because of differences in learning profiles and interests academic skills, culture, socio-economic level. In this context, it's hard to find two children who shows the same improvement speed and the same as all the features in the same schools.If we ignore the different improvement speed of students in their school life we will not expect benefits from training. In this regard, we must keep in mind individual differences in the process of teaching and realize teaching process according to these differences.In this respect,with this project we try to make more qualified education system, training activities, sustainable development, innovative and international standards to realize our aims and our strategic development .As a result we aim to develop a process execution to rise the quality of education to motivate the students about learning with school-parent co-operation.With the signing of the project before the Protocol school hustle an on-site Project action team will be created. Project action team will take place in moving from 20 people (3 spares) will choose according to predetermined criteria. 32-hour preparation period the participants acquire professional qualifications and differentiated Teaching Model in in-service training will be held again in this context the work of the participants in the preparatory stage of application and skills development training will be organized by the MINISTRY of EDUCATION.Then 36 hours English training will be held for travelling.Our travel are currently scheduled as 5 days job training, 2 days travel, 1 day to 8 days cultural events.1. flow: January 29, 2017-Feb 5, 2017-Netherlands-Koning Willem I College2. flow: January 29, 2017-Feb 5, 2017-SPAIN-Instituto de Educacion Secundaira Virgen De Los Reyes3. flow: January 29, 2017-Feb 5, 2017-Sweden-Grillska Gymnasiet The participants will develop their knowledge and skills in business education in the process of our mobility. In particular, our participants will have effective application with gains of differentiated Education model and new methods/techniques.Functioning of the project (domestic/visitors) are planned in detail.and will be shared with the participants. In addition, between two institutions with the aim of a common Assembly will be created to see to measure level of specified objectives and the project's principal policy ,can or can not be reached.In this Assembly will determine benefits of the project and the remaining aspects of the project.During the he-job training evaluators will use note-taking and comparison because of the-job training of the goals and objectives based on the activity directly facing to collect data and information due to on-the-job training in methods of observation.The result of the project and effectsWe will have content integration with the necessary information about the technology and curriculum and subject area, how the programme will be teached and the other areas of the field in a relationship with recent developments in the field to teach the basic concepts, tools and structures.By learning the methods and techniques EU countries contemporary educational policy strategy in their schools we try to catch the level of their standards.The ratio of supplying the needs of our project will help us for the future healthy and rational strategic planning and execution of academic activities in this direction will provide more effective. All the gains will be shared by acivity of dissemination in education to schools, provincial and district education offices, educational activity for the entire private institutions. The benefits of the long termOur Project will contribute to find the applications of EU countriese standards about determining the effect of learning of teaching, teaching and provide feedback to teachers to plan how the area can improve the information branch how to efficiently can be as standard field of application in our country .Continuous professional development, teaching profession career system and applications, licensing or certification of teachers, be associated with items such as school performance evaluation system and will improve the quality of education and training of our country.Our country's accession to the EU adaptation process impetus, and the development of the phenomenon of EU citizenship, the ease of integration, cooperation in all areas, common values are a positive perspective on issues will be held..