European Projects
FANID - For a New International Dimension
FANID - For a New International Dimension
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2016
In EU policy in the field of adult learning one of priority areas is improving the quality and efficiency of the adult learning system. As part of the Education and Training 2020 (ET2020) Open Method of Coordination, the Commission and Member States cooperate in the form of Working Groups. One of these groups concerned: Adult Learning. Adult learning is a vital component of the European Commission's lifelong learning policy. It is essential to competitiveness and employability, social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development across Europe. The challenge is to provide learning opportunities for all, especially disadvantaged groups who need them most. The project of mobility "FANID - For a New International Dimension" takes into consideration the issues covered by Eurydice "Adult Education and Training in Europe: Widening Access to Learning Opportunities".
In this framework and considering the impact of economic crisis on adults, it is clear many groups of disadvantaged adults have economic difficulties that often do not allow them to participate in educational activities. Iser srl, Italian private training organization of Region Abruzzo, would like to offer to the most possible number of disadvanteg adults the opportunity of free open educational resources and training and would like to give continuity to the outputs of the project (which is one of the partners) "CAMP2.0" (www.camp20.eu).
Iser has identified as ideal receiving organisation the partner Lancaster & Morecambe College (UK) given its European prestige.
The specific objectives of the project
- for the organization are:
increased capacity to operate at EU/international level; improved management skills and internationalisation strategies; reinforced cooperation with partners from the UK Country and other countries, increased quality in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and follow up of EU/international projects;
more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside the organisation: ready to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities.
- for the staff involved:
improved competences, linked to their professional profiles;
increased capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernisation and international opening within their educational organisation;
better quality of their work and activities in favour of adult learners;
increased ability to address the needs of disadvantaged adult learners;
improved technical English language;
improved motivation and satisfaction in their daily work.
The number of participants are 3. They have different profiles into the organization Iser srl but complementary:
1) Director/coordinator of projects (national and international).
2) Responsible analysis needs and projects.
3) Collaborator for financial management.
The activity consists in 3 main steps:
1) Preparation (by the following methodologies: selection by matching the participant profile, assessment of motivation, knowledge of English; preparation through training course)
2) Staff mobility: Activity No. A1. Activity Tipe: Job Shadowing. (by the following methodologies: learning by doing, cooperative learning, problem solving, recognition and validation of outcomese by use of European tools)
In the flow No. 1 (6 days in September 2015), the mobilty at UK (LCM) for the participant "Responsible analysis needs and projects" will consist in a job shadowing in the area of writing of european proposal in adult education sector (4 days), of methodology of the training for adults (1 day), innovativies modalities to empower the attraction of lifelong learning in adult sector (1 day).
In the flow No. 2, (6 days in January 2016) the mobilities at UK (LCM, Lancaster) for the participants "Director/coordinator of projects" will consist in:
- improvment of management competence in European project in the sector of adult education (4 days)
for "Collaborator for financial management":
- Budget/Financial Report of (European) projects for adults (4 days)
For both: methodology of the training for adults (1 day), innovativies modalities to empower the attraction of lifelong learning in adult sector (1 day).
3) Dissemination (by the following methodologies: website, social media, meetings, articles, partecipation to events, EPALE platform, ...)
The main result of the project: international cooperation, international relations, development cooperation of Iser srl, its staff, local communities, most important stakeholders in adult education sector.
The project will encourage direct participation in lifelong learning of people at risk of social-economic marginalization: adults, especially the disadvantaged (longer term benefits).