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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Nov 1, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Falling in Lost is an exchange that has been prepared by youngsters from Youropia Cultural Association. 29 people from 18 to 24 years old (some of them with fewer opportunities) and from three different countries: Spain, Poland and Czech Republic. The project was held in Priorio, Asturias, in August 2014, and lasted 8 days. The main objective was to foster group creation and team building. Other goals were breaking intercultural barriers sharing and promoting traditions; to boost healthy habits living together in a natural place and taking advantage of natural resources; to promote peer to peer learning through non formal education and promote the use of a foreign language. All activities were done in the frame of Non Formal Education, with active, dynamic, participative, cooperative and horizontal methodologies, respecting individuality and the concrete needs from every participant. The activities were carried out in a natural environment but also visiting nearby cities . All activities have been carried out by the participants : Workshop to make furniture with pallets, bookbinding workshop, massages, discgolf , Bear path with bikes , swimming pool, Beach - sports, canoeing in Sella river , Gymkahas , City Rally in Oviedo, Gijón guided tour , Gulpiyuri beach , etc. National groups were responsible for organizing dynamics and games , traditional dinners and thematic evenings to show their culture. In addition , evaluations by national and mixed groups were carried out daily, and also reflections about the learning process with participants. Through this exchange we have managed to complete the process of co -responsibility in which young people take care of all phases of the project , involving new participants and sharing with them our experiences. Apart from the responsibility that all groups have assumed towards the exchange , the Spanish group has managed all the logistical and practical issues , from the budget to the implementation of activities Plans and long-term impact results . With this exchange we have created a learning environment in which young people has been responsible of all the activities , preparation and implementation , encouraging autonomy and decision-making. We have closed a long term process that has been done with the Polish and Spanish groups , and which involved other national groups. They are headed for his adult life as active and responsible citizens
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