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Fairopa - für ein freies und faires Europa
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project brings together 16 young people from each of Germany and the Republic of Ireland together. These young people come from socially disadvantaged situations and often have a migration background . They should develop ideas for a free and fair, boundless Europe.Deficient socialization in the family and insufficient support from the schools prevent a good transition into training. The participating young people need services and policies so that they are strengthened in their personality and in their self-confidence and to get to know their own strengths and weaknesses. These results can be incorporated into a European future.The participants, eight -day stay in Ireland ( October 2015 ) and in Germany (February 2016). They will get in this time sensitized in concepts of „fair“ and „free“. These concepts are analyzed both on an individual as well as on real political and idealistic level. They are sensitized by experiential learning exercises for other cultural backgrounds and behaviors . They learn the partnership and respectful interaction. This behavior among key competencies that are needed in order to meet demands of life. In Community Activities they will find out wellbeing, stress resistance and performance - Self-confidence and the general motivation is increased. The young people realize this (own) skills that are indispensable for the self-understanding as an individual in a common ans scoial Europe.At the same time, these soft skills enable better opportunities in the European employment market and access to participation in Europe. For a fair and emphatic dealing with other cultures intercultural skills be promoted in order to avoid misunderstandings and to take on other perspectives. Visits to classic and unusual institutions which deal with the European horizon, fairness and sustainability, show the possibility that detours allow advancement in life. In the project "Fairopa" young people will be shown how a common Europe can be lived in a temporal and temporary space. The young people should be experienced how a fair dealing with oneself and shared resources may appear.Thematically start with a joint agreement in which participatory fair treatment is negotiated. Proceeding we treat consumption patterns, deal with regional and seasonal foods and learning initiatives such as "sharing food" and the creative use to recyclability of "waste products"(up-cycling) know. Learning in non-formal contexts with peers promotes the development of personality, the sense of community and social participation. This contributes to the promotion of cohesion, shared values and mutual understanding. A creative approach favors innovation and entrepreneurship.The young people should be able to develop an individual attitude in the fair treatment of the above-described points.
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