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Facilitating Incubator Networking and Exchanges of Services for Small Enterprise (FINESSE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

FINESSE aims to create a collaborative international business development structure supporting the internationalisation of business start-ups and expanding SMEs. The partners aim to develop cross-border markets by unblocking typical bottlenecks that hinder SMEs in expanding their business internationally. Bottlenecks not only refer to issues such as product localisation and marketing or costs of acquiring partners, support and financial resources, but also spatial factors such as remoteness and distance or language barriers and lack of trust due to geographical and historical divides. Achievements: FINESSE offers support to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) planning to expand their business across national borders. Internationalisation support is provided through International Business Plan Training and Coaching Courses, Matchmaking Events and online and offline marketing activities of companies enrolled in FINESSE activities. These services are based on the expertise of a network of ten innovation centres and business development agencies around the baltic sea. The first half of 2005 was focused on International Business Plan Training and Coaching Courses, which were conducted in almost all participating partner regions. The FINESSE International Business Plan Training and Coaching Courses have been designed as a three-day course that combines lectures on various internationalisation topics with individual coaching sessions, computer aided work and follow-up support. Lectures and coachings are provided by international and local experts. During the second half of 2006 additional Business Plan Training Courses took place in Riga, Itzehoe, Västeras and Kaunas. FINESSE Matchmaking Events provide visiting entrepreneurs with information on regional markets and business opportunities, local communication and business cultures, financial sources and support as well as ample opportunities for business-to-business contacts and company presentations. Participants are asked to publish short online profiles ahead of the event in order to facilitate the search for potentials local customers or partners. Matchmaking Events in Itzehoe, Kuopio, Kaunas, Västeras and Tallinn took place in 2005. The first half of 2006 was focused on Matchmaking Events in Oslo, Riga and Krakow. Additional Matchmaking Events took place in Riga and Tartu in cooperation with the IRC network. All FINESSE services are offered free of charge to participating, registered SMEs, a small fee might be charged by partners for refreshments, meals and social events. Strong FINESSE dissemination and marketing activities by all partners resulted in increasing regional, national and international awareness. Dissemination activities included regional seminars in cooperation multiplier organisations like Chambers of Commerce or Trade Organisations and contributions to international conferences and meetings. Marketing was based on the website, the general and localised FINESSE flyers and information brochures, press releases, newsletter contributions and one-to-one consultations with entrepreneurs or industry representatives. Great effort was put into disseminating the FINESSE collaborative cross-border business development approach to a community of key players in regional development, including politicians, regional development agencies and public bodies of regional administration.

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  • 33.8%   693 210,97
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC North
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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9 Partners Participants