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Facilitarea integrării tinerilor pe piața muncii prin dobândirea de competențe și abilități practice în domeniul mentenanței sistemelor de calcul și a rețelelor de calculatoare.
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Facilitating the integration of young people into the labor market by acquiring competences and practical skills in the maintenance of computer systems and computer networks" offers to the participants the opportunity to gain access to news and modern technologies, to up-to-date information, and the opportunity to enrich language skills, access to quality learning by making real internships in which the student will come in contact with major economic constraints of economic agents from developed countries in Europe. These opportunities will give to students a high standards training, acquiring knowledge, skills in order to facilitate personal development, employability and the growth of labor participation in Europe. Project Objectives: O1. Developing skills and practical abilities in achieving the maintenance of computer systems and computer networks, to increase the quality of our students in initial training and to facilitate their access to the labor market. O2. Creating a platform for European cooperation, an educational partnership, which acts to increase the quality of training practices through transfer of best practices and promoting recognition of qualifications at European level. O3. Improving communication skills, adapt to the social and cultural European environment in international context, in order to increase their mobility. O4. Awareness of youth about the future job requirements. By achieving the objectives of the training we fulfill our students’ needs: practical training to high standards, coupled with a personal training in English communication, reliability, and teamwork, to ensure success in the labor market. To this, a goal of our school is to create an effective partnership, sustainable, internationally, to ensure the exchange of ideas and anchor our students in the European labor market reality. Project participants will be 20 students in XII grade, qualification computer systems Technician, level III. They will go through an internship in Portugal, where they will perform 60 hours of the modules stipulated in the Practical training stages through the curriculum approved by OM 3423/2009 Module VIII Maintenance of computer systems and computer networks ; Module VII-Fault Detection . Through internship in a real work environment and under the supervision of specialists, the students will conduct practical maintenance of CPU hardware, applications and operating systems updates, configuration of data networks and Internet access, security software updates, use of diagnostic programs for software troubleshooting, error detection, data recovery, fault detection, solving software problems, and improving their communication skills and teamwork in an international context. On their return the participants will obtain the transfer, recognition and validation of the competences acquired abroad, because the partnership implements the ECVET, a common methodological framework which facilitates the accumulation and transfer of credits related to learning outcomes between different systems of qualifications. The partnership is based on the Agreement Memorandum which provides the cooperation framework between them, through which the following are established: criteria and procedures for quality assurance, methods of assessment, validation and recognition of knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired for the purpose of transferring the credits. Results: - improved skills and professional competences for the 20 participants according to their chosen specialization: computer systems Technician; - acquisition of communication and teamwork skills in an international context; - the development ,by the students with the support of a specialized teacher, of an electronic Maintenance Guide for computer networks; - collaborative partnership in this area with the host organization; - 30 CDs containing examples of good practice of the participating students during the internship in order to use them in specialized classes by specialized teachers; - exhibition of photographs containing aspects of the internship period; - articles in the school magazine and local newspapers containing aspects from travel-time and internship; - practice of English in particular the specific IT terms. Long-term benefits of the project will be: - raising insertion on the labor market at regional, national and European level for the graduates of our school; - increasing school’s reputation; - Applications for new mobility projects, year 2015.
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