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Fachkräfteschulung für den internationalen Schulpartneraustausch
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Schools are facing new challenges. The requirements which our school has to meet have changed accordingly. Today, in days of globalization, we need to prepare our students more for the changes caused by the rapid developments of this trend. This internationalization in all areas of life makes it necessary to develop our students' intercultural skills as early as possible. In order for this to succeed, however, our teachers first need to further expand their own intercultural knowledge and to improve their project managing skills. Since these skills are relevant across all school subjects, we are planning to dispatch several colleagues from different faculties to intercultural and project management training courses. It is therefore essential for our staff members to establish contact with teachers from other EU states and to stay in touch after the training course itself. Furthermore, European training courses will enable our colleagues to get to know potential project partners personally in order to plan and execute Erasmus and eTwinning projects together. The goal of this project is therefore to improve our entire staff's intercultural and project management skills by the use of colleagues acting as multipliers. Our participating teachers (4 max.) are highly motivated and are already well-versed in both Europe-specific topics and the English language. We therefore consider it a realistic project goal to integrate the European dimension into lessons and student clubs in order to spread it amongst students and teachers accordingly. These project goals are to be achieved by means of participation in intercultural project management courses. Methodology of project execution: Intercultural skills are to be implemented in lessons and student clubs by means of training courses, and European projects at our school are to be expanded and improved by increasing the staff's project management skills. Project goals and effects, as well as potential long-term benefits: We expect to see the individual course experiences of our participating colleagues to bring about a significant boost in motivation for intercultural learning and cooperation, causing an interest to organize and execute European projects. Moreover, we hope to inspire our colleagues to use project work to expand our students' intercultural, lingual and social skills in order to better prepare them for the above mentioned requirements of living and working in today's world.
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