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Face-to-Face with Karelia: Training and Networking Project for the Documentary and Short Film Industry in North Karelia and the Republic of Karelia
Start date: Oct 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was directed to the actors in the audiovisual and fi lm industry, and its intention was trough training and networking to establish training cooperation and create a production network with Russian professionals in the industry. Th e goal was to create a network of the regional activities in the industry in order to create extensive production cooperation and distribute local productions. In addition, the cooperation between local producers and producers in the Republic of Karelia would be developed with national actors. Goals also included developing documentary events and the broadcasting and circulation of regional documentaries, elevating expertise to an international standard, and promoting entrepreneurship and job creation. Achievements: A four-level training and networking programme was organised for entrepreneurs: general training, working in workshops, customised production process training, and contact making trips associated with the production process training. The training programme included the following themes: the cultural administration of the Republic of Karelia, medias of the Republic of Karelia, crossing the border and customs formalities, marketing and new circulation technologies, documentary film professionals / contacts in St. Petersburg, and national and local Russian archives (the material and its use). The project organised a total of 12 general Russia expertise training events, which included workshops open to anyone. In addition, marketing courses and events were held, which included meeting representatives from funding entities (YLE, Media Desk, SES, AVEK). The production process training were tied to productions already in progress in companies so that the training could increase the greatly needed expertise (crossing the border, contact making, connections at the ministries, locations) regarding Russia in a customized format in companies. The production process training were primarily implemented during production-specific trips, which were customized for companies. Five trips to Petrozavodsk and 1 to St. Petersburg were arranged. A total of 205 people participated in the training. The project studied the operational environment and connections in the Republic of Karelia and Russia and processed the information into educational content for the training; the results included a Russian audiovisual industry guide – Films Across the Border. Through the implemented training programme, a regional production company network was established. The companies of the network are aware of each other’s productions, they are capable of sharing resources when necessary, and they are able to resolve practical issues together. In addition, the network companies can share expertise related to Russia with each other and sell it to production companies outside the region. For example, the expertise of the companies was marketed on the website of the East Finland Film Commission (EFFC): www.eff /venajankarjala. EFFC operations were expanded by utilising the expertise of Russia through marketing tools and the contacts generated. The industry’s sub-regional activities were presented at several national and international events. The project organised the following events: Viscult 2006 and 2007, Rokumentti Film Festival 2007.
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  • 70%   220 069,50
  • 2000 - 2006 Euregio - Karelia  (FI-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform