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Facciamo...BRECCIA - BREaking Classical stereotypes to boost Classical InnovAtions
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Facciamo... BRE.CCIA - Breaking stereotypes to boost Classical Classical Innovations" was realized by Mariano Buratti High School of Viterbo and moved from the deep awareness that a "Liceo", in today's world, needs to actualize , to reinvent itself in order to continue broadcasting its founding values ​​in a renewed perspective. The classic high school address is (in the collective imagination and in reality) a conservative environment, where traditional teaching methods and rigidity of the assessment rule. Conversely, it is still the first choice for the education of the ruling class in our area. Based on this analysis of needs, the project has set two broad, general goals: - Internationalize the high school address educational offer - Modernize teaching methodologies through the development of the European dimension These macro objectives were declined into specific objectives, achieved thanks to the implemented mobilities: - The massive adoption of CLIL methodology for non-linguistic subjects, ​​with specific reference to history, philosophy and art; - The adoption of a "EQF" approach, which integrates skills (life skills) to knowledge. The Liceo is, in fact, still tied to the constraints of content units and disciplinary boundaries, which make it difficult to use the opportunity offered to European citizens, with freedom of movement, mobility and training outside their home country; - Integration in everyday teaching of new methodologies such as learning-centered education, problem-based learning, cooperative learning, peer education, learning by doing and, as it concerns the humanities (greek and latin), the Oerberg "naturae methodum"; - The integration of alternation between school and job in the curriculum - A review of the assessment system by observing the quality systems in a country that scores very high in PISA ranks, such as Finland. The project has been structured into three general stages: preparation, implementation and evaluation / dissemination / follow up. The preparation phase included the selection of participants; it has been carefully prepared and included an intercultural preparation, preparation on security procedures and logistics. The implementation phase saw the organization of 11 mobility flows plus an extra flow, made possible by the savings realized thanks to a healthy and careful economic and financial management. Mobilies implemented were the following: - 6 training courses in UK, which lasted two weeks during summer of 2015, aimed at learning CLIL methodology for non-linguistic subjects - 5 job shadowing at the Europagymnasium "Walther Rathenau" in Bitterfeld (3 teachers) and Joutsan yhtenäiskoulu (2 teachers), lasting two weeks each The extra mobility consisted of a job shadowing lasting 5 days at the Furness Academy in UK. The job shadowing experiences were structured in daily activities aimed at learning new teaching methodologies for the teaching of classical languages ​​and new assessment criteria. The participants were all teachers who had previously given the availability for use of the CLIL (for training courses in the UK), teachersof humanities, greek and latin, for job shadowing in Germany and teachers with responsibility for internal evaluation and of quality assessment for Finland. The quality of the partnership established with schools and training institutions is of great level: each partner appointed a training tutor, has drafted the interim monitoring, provided the teacher with all preliminary information aimed at achieving a good content-related preparation and has supported them the during the training period. At the end of the project, the impact on individuals and on the organization as a whole was deep and sustainable, as well as the positive impact on partner organizations - especially schools hosting the job shadowings - and the territory as a whole. The school has implemented an Action Plan for dissemination with the identification of three target groups to be involved in project development and in the exploitation of results, as well as the general public to be informed through the publication of articles on the local press and participation in a well known local radio program. Internal dissemination meetings have also been organized for sharing with the whole school staff results and follow up. Finally, special attention was paid to the evaluation with the processing and compilation of a very detailed and accurate report, aimed at recording quantitative elements.

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