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Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe - Crossing generations
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe – Crossing generations” is a cooperation projects among theatres, festivals and cultural organisations in Italy, France, Germany, Spain and Romania.The network aims to be a platform of support and promotion of the contemporary playwriting across Europe, in order to reinforce and enhance the activities and strategies of the professionals and artists working in the sector and to provide the theatre authors with opportunities of networking, multicultural encounter and professional development. The project foresees the translation and circulation of plays; an updated online catalogue about authors with biographies, synopsis, extracts, list of the existing translations; the publication of the translated texts; artistic residences for the production of light shows the translated foreign texts; training activities lead by the authors; conversations and encounter with the authors organised in collaboration with high schools, universities or third age centres; a journal of the project made by the authors and target groups involved in the activities; peer learning sessions focused on the exchange of best practices and methods of co-production and promotion of contemporary theatre; in depth programmes and common space for the authors. Fabulamundi aims to improve the actions of audience development and engagement, with a specific focus on the adolescents (14-18) and the elderly.It is organized around the theme “crossing generations" and puts emphasis on an urgent issue that relates to a system change, which often correspond to different generations and social cliché. While new generations represent often a social category that has lost the certainty and solidity of the previous world, the old generations suffer of a kind of exclusion from the present life instead. Both the groups are potential targets not only to be involved in the activities but also as a wealth of stories and experiences that can instead feed the imagination of the writers.
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