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Extension of the Danube Limes - UNESCO World Heritage in the Lower Danube  (Danube Limes Brand)
Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The former frontiers of the Roman Empire are set to become the world´s biggest single archaeological site. UNESCO World Heritage Site status is now in prospect for the frontiers as a whole. The enlargement of the existing World Heritage property - already inscribed are three Limes sections in UK and DE plus the prospective new SK and HU candidates for 2012/2013 - with new nominations in the Lower Danube countries is an excellent and most respected tool to achieve the long-term protection of the Limes sites. The World Heritage designation on the Danube Limes heritage would also ensure a proper and adaquate utilization of the cultural heritage resources and a massive increase in awareness raising. The overall objectives are to extend the multinational serial World Heritage Property into the Lower Danube countries. Expected results are new Danube Limes nomination documents, UNESCO Tentative List Entries and nomination documents on samples areas. A second focus lays on the development of an overall marketing strategy for the prospective extension of the World Heritage into all Danube countries. To the present day there is no closer cooperation between individual Limes regions or cross border collaboration. Final result of those activities is a concrete joint action plan on the development of a common cultural route, an additional tourist destination and a cultural brand for the whole Danube Limes. Most partners are involved in another action, the definition and development of visualization, conservation and presentation concepts for various Limes sample areas: in most prominent central urban context (MUOP-Bratislava/SK)/, well developed tourism destination (DANUNI-Hollenburg Wachau/AT), in urban regional centers (AMO-Osijek/HR), in rural surroundings (NAIM-to be selected/BG) in very remote areas (AISANU-Viminacium and Pontes/SRB). Final results are various planning concepts for the local and regional development and exploitation of the Limes heritage, which can be adopted afterwards by other partners and sites. Partners in HR, SRB, BG and RO will define their WH property and buffer zone on sample areas and sites according to the experiences and results of the former CE project on the Danube Limes in HU and SK. Best practise examples on local/regional/national protection strategies and property management and monitoring principles will help to prepare an adequate long-term protection. All project partners will define general premises on the exploitation of the Limes heritage. The Limes heritage needs to be seen as a product in the view of different target groups (tourists, investors, local inhabitants). It is essential to create local/regional and/or national focusses, visions and slogans for further exploitation and marketing measures to be compared, discussed and harmonized in a general Danube Limes marketing strategy. A revelation of various marketing channels, possibilities of promotion including media observation will be part of the activities. Additional possibilities for service improvement and training in the topics of touristic presentation and economy will be explored. The action will be finalised with the development of a concrete joint action plan to create a common identity with added value for individual regions. Regional planning activities will start with the definition of framework conditions and the elaboration of individual role models for the exploitation concept on the cultural heritage according to the existing environment will be done. All Project partners work towards the development of individual operational plans and promotion actions for the visualization, conservation and presentation of the their archaeological site(s). Some of the presentation and conservation measures recommended in the concept will be implemented in AT, SK, HU, HR, SRB, BG and RO. They will act as individual role models for other Danube Limes sites and sections. Achievements: The final conference, organised together in a 2-day event by the Bulgarian partner team from the National Archaeological Institute and Museum in Sofia in Ruse and by the National Institute for Heritage in Bucharest, saw more than 100 participants from the partner countries as well as from Germany, The Netherlands and UK. The 1st day in Ruse was dedicated to the results regarding the new nomination documents and the joint action plan of the countries in the Lower Danube area, in Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania. Those were presented together by a project member and the individual representative of the Ministry of Culture. Additionally colleagues from all other European Limes section reported about their latest development on the nomination set up, management issues and tourism development too, bringing in a lot of new ideas and contacts. The 2nd day in Bucharest focussed on the transnational joint Tourism Strategy Action Plan for the Danube Limes, best practise examples on regional development in the Lower Danube, the Danube Delta and the UNESCO WH in Regensburg, Bavaria including presentations on the transnational DanubeHIKE project, the cross-border SONDAR project, and various new tourism initiatives in Hungary and Romania.
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  • 85%   968 814,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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8 Partners Participants