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'Exploring & Excelling' -Using the environment and play to raise achievement
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/ Background: Within our school the importance of early intervention and education is central to the school's development plan. Our school works in an area of diverse and challenging needs. These include: 1. a context of growing unemployment and rising levels of free school meals. 2. with diversity of newcomers from across Europe and beyond coming to our school it creates great benefits and challenges. 3. increasing levels of children with additional and complex needs are entering our school, very often with parents who are unable to support their children's educational progress. 4. Our school is dynamic and ambitious. Our school development has highlighted the need to promote Literacy, Numeracy and ICT as priority. The nursery's participation in the SEN pilot A demonstrates the school's ambition provide early intervention for children who are experiencing barriers to learning thereby improving outcomes for all children and helping them to reach their full potential Objectives: 1: to improve the learning experience and the thinking skills of our pupils. 2: to excite and engage families in the life of the nursery. 3. to improve the variety and challenge of both indoor and outdoor play. 4. to enrich pupils Language development and problem solving skills via new activities and challenges. 5: to improve on the skill base of all staff working in the nursery via dissemination of the newly gained knowledge and ideas. 6: increase the confidence and knowledge base of the participant to be a more effective and creative leader in the nursery. 7: to build a network of friendship and professional development across Europe that will extend over and beyond the project. Participants profile: Name: Ciara Brady Age:32 Early Years Experience : 9 years Position in Nursery: Nursery Co-ordinator Qualifications: BA Hons English 2:1, PGCE Primary. Description of activities: 1: FAFU Iceland 2014 - international conference targeted at early years professionals, the format will include lectures, seminars, workshops and visits to settings in Iceland. This will be a fantastic opportunity to begin questioning and exploring new ideas. Perhaps more importantly the chance to engage with motivated professionals from across the world. 2: Denmark/Finland: have fantastic reputations for creative outdoor play and allowing pupils the opportunity to take risks and make their own plans. It is our intention to visit Copenhagen and Helsinki to visit a number of settings to gain insight into good practice. 3: Italy: is the birthplace of the Reggio approach which has strongly influenced the Northern Ireland Pre-School Curriculum. By visiting settings using the Reggio approach we bill immerse ourselves in the culture and ethos of this much celebrated early years approach. 4: Scotland: exploring the concept of a Forest School and the philosophy underpinning it and seeing how it dovetails into our learning from around Europe, the needs of the school and the potential benefits for our children's learning. Results: 1: Within 12 months: Professional knowledge and expertise of participant and their team enhanced. Increased motivation and a fresh approach from the nursery team. The development of a 3 year strategy to embed new learning. Information and new ideas to be disseminated to the children, parents and other professionals. New ideas being piloted in the nursery setting. 2: Within 3 Years The children to benefit from a richer and more diverse play environment both indoors and outdoors. The pupils to show greater confidence, enhanced self esteem and creativity. All these factors will see pupils use and develop their language more effectively. The planning will be more creative, collaborative and evaluated with a more critical knowledge and expertise. The nursery policies and schemes of work will be of a higher standard. ETI will visit the nursery and describe the provision as 'Outstanding'. 3: Legacy Increased literacy standards and higher levels of aspiration. Greater motivation and involvement of parents e.g Forest School projects. Networks of support and friendship across Europe Forest School Status achieved and Eco-ethos promoted.
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