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Exploitation and alternative utilization of the Atlantic lighthouses (AT-LIGHTS)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Although lighthouses have long been characteristic elements of the coastlines of the Atlantic Area, the automatisation of their functions and the crisis of the fishing sector have contributed to a great reduction in their socio-economic importance. The partners of the project AT-LIGHTS intend to revive the economies of the zones where lighthouses stand by developing tourist activities there, something which demands, in most cases, an improvement in their accessibility and security arrangements. Achievements: ✔ Six meetings of the Steering Committee have taken place to monitor the management and development of the project, and any decisions taken on concrete aspects concerning the project management and the creation of dissemination tools. ✔ Six study and exchange visits enabled the partners to find out about and observe on the spot alternative management experiments and renovations carried out. ✔ Six studies for the renovation of the lighthouses, improved access and alternative uses from a total of 25 lighthouses spread over the 4 partner countries. ✔ Creation of promotional material in the three languages of the project (English, French and Spanish): the project logo, the book "Centinelas del Oceano", a website (, posters and signposts for stands at exhibitions and events to promote tourism. ✔ Six pilot projects on the visibility and signposting of the areas near the lighthouses involved in the project.
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  • 58.4%   472 575,49
  • 2000 - 2006 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants