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Explain the EU!! Method: a European trimester at every school
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project we are currently presenting is the logical continuation of the execution of the two projects financed by the European Commission EACEA: Explain the EU! And Explain the EU 2!!. It aims to carry out a pilot project in Spain. The Project consists, during an academic trimester, in making that all of the teaching subjects at school would have as a central point the European Union.We are going to train professors of the 12 educational levels that exist at schools and from all of the teaching subjects in order to they are be able to teach the European Union throughout all the subjects (mathematics, history, music,…) taught during a trimester.The project implement stage will be composed of:a) A training period for professors of different schools about European Union history institutions and policy.b) A methodological preparation period in which we will show to the professors how to teach the European Union through the subjects they are teaching, offering to them new methodologies and activities that we have elaborated as a result of implementing the projects Explain the EU! and Explain the EU 2!!, both financed by the European Commission EACAE Lifelong Learning Program.c) A support and follow-up period of the professors while they are teaching what we have called the European Trimester in every school.d) And lastly, an evaluation period in which we want to know about the experience feasibility to implement a European trimester at every educational level.The eventual objective of this project is the achievement of a training and activities kit for professors of every educational level and every subject, with which it would be possible to teach European Union themes to pupils during an academic trimester.
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