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Expero model to assess the quality of the learning outcome in Healthcare trainings

Expero4care aims to create an international standard and to certify Healthcare trainings to assess the quality of the learning outcome. Thanks to two previous EU projects (Expero and Expero2eu, both choosen as best practices by LLP), Expero became a quality standard to certify vocational schools. Expero4Care aims to assess the quality of the learning outcome in training programms dedicated to professionals, in service, in the Healthcare sector, medicians, nurses, lab technicians, social workers. The peculiarity of this sector is the need of a continuos training process to ensure the presence of human resources uptodated in their field and able to better perform in their job.During the project period, after a first training to get acquainted Expero at the main referents, 5 organizations will apply the Expero4care model in Healthcare trainings. The process forsees the involvement of different level of stakeholders in the analysis of expectations and perceptions about the LEARNING OUTCOME, surveyed through interviews and questionnaires in order to assess the Expero indicators, the Quality of Competences (KSAV model) by trainees and trainers; the Quality of the Results (perceived change in behavior and measured outcomes in Healthcare service); Meaning of the Training (how is the training policy seen by trainers, trainee and external stakeholders). Data are stored in a database, developing also a tablet App to facilitate the survey. Elaboration of data permits to highlights the main strenghts and gaps of the training. An international body will certify the new model as a quality standard and the Trainings will be certified after the audit.Partnership is formed by a core group who developed Expero model and enlarged to new bodies belonging to Healthcare sector. The new standard Expero4care will create a breakthrough for the evaluation of the learning outcome in a sector, as Healthcare, where the need of a measure of quality of the training involving stakeholder approach and oriented to the learning outcome is very strong. Expero association, main referent for the dissemination process, will ensure the continuity of the project results during and after the project life.
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12 Partners Participants