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Expérimenter la diversité professionnelle et culturelle en Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Maisons Familiales Rurales Federation has created a consortium of 6 MFR schools to propose to their students in training internships in Europe from 2 weeks to 1-month duration. The Haute-Normandie’s MFR network is subscribed in European projects of students’ mobility since 2009. The Federation, since 2013, solicited this mobility dispositive to allow 6 employees to effectuate a one-week internship in Europe and to 45 students to participate in the ERASMUS+ program in 2014/2015.This project dresses common objectives to all members of the consortium such as professional environment knowledge, openness towards others, European citizenship’s consciousness. These internships also have for goal to develop and/or to deepen students’ social, relational and technical skills to favor their employability. The choice of host companies is made in this direction. This mobility favors working on oneself, the enterprising spirit and the autonomy. It is as well an opportunity to fight against prejudices, discriminations and xenophobia. This project is addressed to students between 16 and 19 years old in CAP Services in Rural Areas or Professional Baccalaureate specialized in People and Territories Services. These teenagers already know the professional world because the MFR’s pedagogy is based on sandwich training, which means internships periods all training long (a minimum of 20 weeks per year). This European internship based on the voluntary service. Teenagers’ selection is realized as part of the student’s positioning and takes into account his/her motivation.This 2-year project will permit to 71 teenagers to effectuate 2-weeks to 1-month long internships in England, Spain, Poland… MFR’s Federation constituted a pilot comity to assure the pedagogic, administrative and financial project’s follow-up. This comity will work on the documents realization as a connexion exercise book, a convention, a popularization brochure of the project intended to French and foreign partners. A planning has been set from the consortium constitution to repatriate each step of the project; from writing to the Europass’ mobility delivery passing by the teenagers mobility, partners’ research (companies and host families for students accommodations), students follow-up on the spot.This mobility’s incidence about students is firstly linked to their training; it is a question of developing professional skills and favoring their employability. It is also an opportunity to acquire autonomy, to fight ahead of others and to be conscious of their European citizenship.This projects allows MFR’s network to reaffirm its anchoring in the European dynamic. It is as well a mean to reinforce or to create both French and foreign partnerships. The diffusion of results in the press or during events allows valorizing the MFR’s image and its partners. This also enables education recognition proposed at the MFR, often considered as the one of the last chance.In the long term, these are supplementary skills for students and an open-mindedness, which will facilitate their steps to find a job after graduating from school. For MFR’ schools, it is to integrate this type of project to their pedagogy to be able to direct the recruitment of new students. These partnerships are also an asset for host companies and their employees.

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3 Partners Participants