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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project is submitted by the "JOANES KAJONI" Vocational High School from Romania, in partnership with Coleg Cambria from Wrexham, Wales.The Hospitality, Tourism and Beauty areas have had a dynamic evolution, and the demands from clients are continuously growing. For this reason, the professionals in this field need to improve their skills on an ongoing basis, in order to be able to adapt to the rapid changes that occur both at national and at European level.This project offers the participants appropriate conditions which allow them to develop their professional and linguistic skills necessary for their entry on the European labour market, in a dual system. The chosen partners ensure that the proposed objectives are reached, based on their experience in European funded VET projects, the equipment, materials and work techniques available, their trainers' high professional level, the activities proposed, and their vision on the quality of services offered to clients in the Catering, Hospitality and Beauty areas.The target groups training needs are as follows:- increase professional performance to the European standard level;- direct knowledge of the European labour market;- improve language skills.The target group is represented by:The 11th grade students in the Travel and Tourism area will attend a 90-hour practical training at the Cambria College in Wrexham, delivered both at its training facilities and in the fully operational travel bureau "YALE TRAVEL & TOURISM AGENCY" which belongs to Coleg Cambria and is open to the public.The 10th grade students specialising as Confectioner/Pastry cook will attend a 90-hour practical training + laboratory sessions at Coleg Cambria, in its "Rendez-Vous" and "Y Celstryn" restaurants.The 10th grade students specialising as Hairdresser / Manicure and Pedicure Specialist will attend a 90-hour practical training delivered at Coleg Cambria, in its hairdressing and beauty salons, "SALON IAL" and "Salon Celstryn". The receiving organisation, Coleg Cambria, provides the 45 participants both with high-quality modern equipment and with very well-trained teachers who are open to collaboration. The training locations are the 3 travel bureaus in the "YALE TRAVEL & TOURISM AGENCY" group, the "RENDEZ-VOUS" and "Y Celstryn" restaurants, and the "Salon Ial" and "Salon Celstryn" hairdressing and beauty salons. The project specific objectives are as follows:- to develop key competencies and professional skills of the 45 students participating in the project, in the areas of Hospitality, validated by the Europass Mobility Certificate, until the Professional Skills Certificate is issued in July 2017 and in July 2018, respectively;- to increase the workplace integration abilities of the 45 students participating in the project and to ease their school-to-work transition, within a maximum of 6 months from their graduation.The activities to be performed in order to reach the set objectives are as follows:* prepare and cook Welsh pastry;* prepare the beauty and hairdressing salon, so that the clients are offered the best services;* present and serve the food and associated drinks;* perform various hairstyles;* perform manicure and pedicure operations;* prepare and clean salon equipment;* use IT software for the timely accounting and food distribution and sale;* perform specific activities in the travel bureau departments;* prepare the holiday and tour packages, together with the Welsh students.Given the conditions above, our project will reach the set results, thus confirming the fact that we have chosen the best VET partners for the training of the 45 participants.Expected results and achievements:* at an individual level: develop the participants' practical abilities, increase their motivation for future vocational training, improve language skills;* at school level: a better understanding of the link between the formal and informal education, as well as between the vocational training and the labour market, and a better integration by the school of the good practices and new techniques in its daily training activities.* at the local level: improve and modernise the services provided by companies, thus increasing their turnover, if they employ students who took part in EU training flows.The diplomas and prizes awarded to the European partner at international competitions in the Hospitality and Catering, Tourism Services and Beauty areas confirm their excellent results in international level vocational training. Therefore, the project development will have the expected results, thus confirming the fact that we have chosen the best mobility partner.
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