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Experienta europeana in domeniul comertului
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled “European Expertise in the trade area” meet the needs identified at LTM high-school (HS): improving professional and personal skills for a better insertion in the labor market, improving teachers’ performance to increase quality and attractiveness of educational offer, internationalization of European cooperation in VET area (ET2020 ) and to obtain European added value by using the Europass and ECVET tools. The project is build on a ECVET partnership and a long term MoU.The objectives of this project accounts for the participants' profiles:-improving students’ competences and skills for their professional life, adapted to the employers’ requests, in an European long-life learning space;-improving personal skills (social, communication, linguistic and cultural skills);-advancing the quality of the VET teaching by using IT tools, digital skills, by exchange experience and best practice examples with our Spanish colleagues;-consolidating the VET European dimension and supporting its cooperation with the labor market.Participants: 24 LTM students in 11th grade, Level 4 of qualification “Technician in commercial activities”, studying in the curricular area Technologies - Module VII: “ Consumer and environmental protection ”, consisting of 90 hours of practical training, will perform this practical stage in Granada, Spain during 19.04 – 11.05 in 2017/2018; 4 VET full teachers of LTM will take a specialty course of job-shadowing for professional improvement and to create a communication network with professional colleagues from the same Spanish area, in Granada, during 3-11.05.2017/2018.Our future partners will be the intermediary organization M.E.P. Europrojects Granada®, S.L. and host organizations Alimentación Garo S.L and Autoservicio Matilde S.L. They will enter partnership through MoU and declare that they will strictly obey the signed LA / WP, as well as the VET mobility Quality Commitment.Project’s activities: Information on the project (project launch), presentation of the objectives of Erasmus+ programme and its impact on HS education, followed by Selection of the participants (for HS students selection through HS public competition and for teachers through interview presenting a programe- project with the Board of Directors of LTM. Principles of transparency and equal opportunities will be followed, any conflict of interest will be avoided, it will be a coherent and documented process with clear criteria, that will be communicated to candidates from the beginning). Preparing participants in 3 modules: pedagogical (information on Erasmus + programme and about the project), cultural training (which prepares the participant's adaptation to the new socio- cultural environment) and linguistic training (which aims at improving english communication skills). Mobility arrangements: individual insurances, financial and studies contracts (LA / WP), VET Mobility Quality Commitment, development of evaluation, monitoring tools, worksheets, tests, contracts with partners, financial arrangements with partners, completing Mobility Tool database, acquisition of transport, accommodation, meals, local transportation, cultural visits, financial transfer to the participants, issue of Europass Mobility.Ongoing mobility: monitoring the participants, signing the Europass Mobility documents and certificates of participation; in Spain assessment of learning outcomes, their validation through Europass Mobility and personal evaluation record; in Romania their transfer and recognition -on LTM; completion of individual reports, financial and technical final reports.Participants’ monitoring and evaluation as mentioned in MoU and during monitoring LTM visits. Project’s monitoring and evaluation- each project phase, cash flow- monthly, evaluation and review of the MoU - annually.Project’s results: improved competences for projects’ participants (24 students and 4 VET teachers with Europass Mobility certificates); improved and attractive LTM educational offer (with low dropschool rate); border partnerships, collaboration with the Spanish VET; implementation of ECVET tools.The impact of the project: - tuning HS competences with the ones required by the labor market / reducing the discrepancy between the competences required by the economic agents and those gained in HS; -increasing school performance, an improved transition from school to active life; -increased self-esteem will lead to lower dropout percentage; -improvement of teaching and the quality of education leading to increasing HS attractiveness and prestige; - the use of ECVET and Europass tools will strengthen the European dimension of education and harmonize national education system with the European one.Dissemination of project results to other students and teachers will multiply Erasmus + projects and transnational partnerships. Viability- the project is self- sustainable, results will continue to occur after its completion.

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