Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 30, 2014, End date: Sep 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of mobility entitled “European experience-open road to training and refresher courses” of Otelu Rosu,wich is also the beneficiary of the project.The project is spanning within 3 fluxes(2 for students and 1 for the staff)as follows: -1 st stage for 15 students in grades 10,first level of training,profile engine mechanics.(5.04.-25.04.2015) -2 nd stage for 24 students, 11 th grade,profile-tourism third level of qualification,technician in gastronomy.(10.05-30.05.2015) -3 rd stage for 4 teachers having as specialty , tourism,who teach the afferent disciplines for the curriculum of 12/13 th grade,second levelof qualification-technician in gastronomy.(24.08-4.09.2015) As regards students,the project has in view the development of a forming program through work,and in the case of the staff a program of work placement type.The reason for choosing this project is due to the economic crisis in the area,which has led to the disappearance of traditional trades in the metallurgical of activity:the automotive sector and tourism,both of them searching for skilled personnel in the following years, the qualification being at European standards.Our project responds the needs of the 10 th grade students,trained in engine mechanics and 11 th grade students,trained in gastronomy,who would like to attend a career of car mechanics,or in tourism,either attending a professional training or continuing higher study. The project assures at European standars the strengthening of skills and professional training,respectively key-competences for students in order to provide them the integration on labour market,after acquiring the CDL program and themes belonging to the specialty,as well as the teaching staff at European standards. In order to elaborate this very project it has been taken into account the achievement of stages in companies or centres of professional training,that use advanced technology,the beneficiaries having the opportunity to take advantage of their theoretical and practical experience and knowledge,and to acquire new skills related to car mechanics and technician in gastronomy. During the project the beneficiaries will have the opportunity to develop themselves in connected fields such as technology assisted by computers,as well as to understand business culture after having learnt the activity carried on the working place,where the stage is employed and to adapt themselves to the demands of the European space. Accomplishing the demanded professional competences cannot be realistic as the local resources are so reduced,the training lacking the necessary technology.Therefore,we consider that a collaboration with partners from abroad would be profitable for acquiring the necessary competences both for students and for the teaching staff who teach subjects of specialty in the field of turism,having in view modern technology with wich these European partners are endowed. The projects arms: -To train competences that could be necessary on the European labour market,the field of mechanics/Turism,for those who are trained as car mechanics/turism with perspectives to enter the labour market. -Expectead results:improvement of professional skills at students,abilities to communicate and work within a team,including the competitiveness of young people on the European labour market,by acquiring knowledge in the world of business -to acquire linguistic and intercultural competences by coming into direct contact with the German and Portughese cultures and civilizations,and having the opportunity of speaking an international language. Expectead results:the direct contact with the German and Portughese people’s social and cultural life,by knowing common values and accepting diversity. -to recognize,at European level,the acquired competences and skills after the initial training in order to assure the same chances an European labour market. Expectead results:similar chances by training the youth in a unitarian manner in Europe. For the teacher:-develop expertise and skills and job specific skills in a professional environment organized in order to adapt training programs offered by LBOR in the tourism and catering sector at European standards. Expectead results;improvement of professional abilities and competences in order to increase the quality of professional forming and education.

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