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Experiences Entrepreneurial Spirit Challenge in School Education_ PERSPECTIVE
Start date: Oct 1, 2013,

The expressed activity of the PERSPECTIVE project consortium is to gather knowledge about models, methodologies, best practice and advices for teacher education.The main aim is to create European models for primary and secondary school teachers to support the development of their skills and methods in applying entrepreneurial learning to different teaching subjects and to different contexts. Entrepreneurship education is about preparing enterprising individuals who have the skills, knowledge and attitudes to be creative, responsible and successful in whatever activity they undertake and regardless of their career choices. Young people with entrepreneurial mindsets and abilities may turn into successful entrepreneurs, or may contribute to more efficiency and innovation in corporations and public administrations, and in society in general. General objective Enhancing and support European policy cooperation in the areas of initial teacher education, continuous professional development and school leadership, notably by establishing platforms and peer-learning activities for the exchange of knowledge, experience and expertise among policymakers and teaching professionals. Experimental teaching methodologies will be enhanced by each partner involve a study group composed by researcher, teachers.

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8 Partners Participants