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Experience of Work and Culture in European Countries
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Vocational College of Bottrop is situated in the Emscher-Lippe area in Germany and offers differentiated vocational training in the field of Business and Administration, Technology, Health and Social Studies, Cosmetics and Gastronomy or further qualification for vocational training. As a preparation for their future jobs, 40 students in vocational training will get the chance to support their school training at the Vocational College of Bottrop with a 4-week stay in Ireland. Students will do job-related tasks in companies in Dublin in order to verify gained vocational knowledge as well as to use and enlarge their skills. The programme in Dublin includes a one-week language course, cultural visits and a three-week internship in which the beneficiaries participate in tasks related to their future vocational focus, i.e. in the field of commerce and industry, business and administration, informatics, renewable energies or health and social studies. Already at the Vocational College of Bottrop, the students take part in language and cultural preparation through teaching units and a workshop which raises cultural awareness. In Dublin, living in host families and working in Irish companies helps the students to train their skills to adjust to specific customs and traditions of foreign partners and this fosters their cultural awareness and intercultural competence. The internship in Dublin allows an insight into company processes and improves language and job-related skills. Moreover, the gained experience enhances the quality of vocational training at the Vocational College of Bottrop.
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