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Expanding Horizons in Methodology
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Within the framework of this project six teachers from our staff, who teach different subjects, have the opportunity to attend various teacher training courses, which focus on a wide range of aspects of up-to-date pedagogical approaches, methods, means: extended use of ICT technology in the classroom, CLIL, cultural studies, new approaches and organization of study activities. The courses cover a broad span of teaching ideas and activities to enliven lessons and make them more motivating. During the courses the teachers can reflect on their approach to teaching today’s students, they can experience new approaches, methods and good practices, which correspond to the demands of our fast developing world. Teachers will get acquanted with modern means of technology, various software and programmes, which will contribute to extended use of ICT for pedadagogical purposes. The teachers can adapt them to the needs of their students in order to enhance the quality of their teaching. CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) method is gaining ground as a new language teaching method in European countries. This project will allow our teachers to get acquainted with the principles, the elements and practice of this method. It is our aim to integrate it in our teaching practice, at the beginning experimenting with it in afternoon courses for gifted students, later in general classes in small groups of students. One of our major aims is that 80% of the students attending preparatory language classes should be able to take successfully the advanced level maturity exam in foreign languages at the end of their secondary school studies, or a B2 level accredited language exam. Revitalizing of methodology, adopting new pedagogical approaches and good practices will create new possibilies for the development of the potential of gifted students. It is our aim to offer truly inspiring courses based on appropriate learning environment, refreshed pedagogical means and various methods of teaching. This way we can best contribute to the personal development of our students, to the formation of their interests, to their self-realization. We hope to ensure good job prospects and optimal adaptation to adult society. The project will create possibilities for extending the professional connections of our school with colleagues and schools from other European countries. This will unable us to exchange good practices and ideas regularly, and will facilitate the planning and execution of high quality programmes and projects based on cooperation between schools. Expected result of this project is the deveopment of foreign language competence of teachers, so our institution will be able to create more international connections, we will be able to raise our students’ awareness of European identity, cultural diversity and work towards establishing a common European value system. We hope to be able to integrate our school in the network of European secondary schools and to be able to participate more often in international cooperation projects. We believe the project will help our teachers and students identify with European ideas and values, they will develop European consciousness, and will get a chance to experience the values of diverse cultures and languages in Europe. We trust the project will have consierable influence on the attitude, and performance of our students. We hope we will experience enhanced motivation, active and more enthusiastic participation not only in lessons, but also in projects. We hope to receive positive feedback, high level of students’ and parents’ satisfaction with our school. Hopefully, this will lead to better performance of students in their studies, which will improve their chances for further education and will improve their job prspects. We believe that taking part in international teacher training courses, the chances for professional development, the extended perspectives and connections will contribute to the professional satisfaction of our teachers. This will contribute to the development of a dynamic, committed staff in our school and will facilitate the development of the institution, the increase of its popularity and prestige.

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