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Există un loc şi pentru tine!
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project "There is a place for you, too!", which will run for a period of 12 months , starting in July 2014 , is a result of the fact that although our school is a school with modern facilities and well trained teachers we face the situation in which the students who graduate our primary and secondary education refuse to continue high school education here. Students from other schools also do not find attractive to continue high school in our school and this is how in the 2012-2013 school year we were surprised to find out a total of 20 places left to college after admission. Analyzing this situation in our institutional development plan for 2012-2015 , we identified the following causes : teaching is not student-centered , formal and informal learning are are not combined. Solutions identified to improve this situation relate to ensure teachers' access to staff training programs to increase the quality of teaching, to make them realize that teaching methods should meet the individual needs of our students, to ensure equal access for all students to the learning process . We believe that new training opportunities at the institutional level can meet the needs of our institution more than it did at the personal level . We list below the objectives of our project mobility : -support the professional development with a view to innovating and improving the quality of teaching and learning -enhance the teachers' foreign languages competence and understanding of other cultures -enable teachers to offer activities and programmes that better respond to the needs of individuals -create links between formal and non-formal education, Potential participants in the training activity in Iceland are 10 teachers of different specialities , aged 30-55 years. Both young teachers being inexperienced and older teachers being conservative have no intention, have inaction and even inability to approach in a differentiate way the students. Although very good trained, scientifically talking, they do not master methods and means for differentiated work with students and to make students attracted by the subject they teach . Conservatism , depersonalization , unequal opportunities are some of the flaws we have to correct by switching focus from the informative side of the educational process to the formative one, focusing on the cognitive aspects of our students, aiming their sequential and integrated preparation in all school subjects . This is why we consider that the mobility experience " Reaching , teaching and keeping learners . Methods and Approaches to Increase reach and retention of at risk learners" organized by Intercultural Iceland will meet the needs of our school and thus we will succeed to keep our students at school/in our school, not to get again in the unpleasant and risky situation to remain without students in highschool and to raise the level of quality of education in our school. This will be a long-term benefit of this project on our school . After attending the training in Iceland the 10 teachers will train their curricular area colleges so that the whole team of teachers in the school to benefit of this training . "Cascade " training will result in improving the quality of teaching, in a total change of the educational process in our school . New teaching methods, new school and extracurricular activities ,new clubs, projects and optionals will be results of this project which will increase students' interest in school in general and in our school in particular and in this way students will be beneficiaries of this project .

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