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Start date: Jul 8, 2016, End date: Jul 7, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This application of EPAL ATALANTIS is deposited considering the urgent need of the students broadening their knowledge on new best practices, new trends, new techniques, new business ideas and a different working culture, through internationalization. These were those that gave impetus to the Directorate and our school teachers to propose and organize this project. Students that will participate in the work plan will be: the A class TEAM ORIENTATION OF ENGINEERING and from the B and C class specialties: Technician Electrical Systems, Installation and Network Sector ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND AUTOMATION Technical Installations and Cooling Ventilation and Air Conditioning Sector ENGINEERING. Two flows will be made, one for Electrical and the other for Cold. The main purpose of the project is to meet the hitherto weaknesses of School in the practical training of students and the need for development of key skills to respond successfully to the demands of today's society taking better educational and professional decision. With this program we believe there will be many benefits for students, teachers, group leaders and overall for the School. Side goals: Exploring the particularities of labor and skills The development of professional interests in students and especially the development of business interests The improvement of professional qualifications The development of their self-image, the possibility of developing initiatives and the test of autonomous living from the family and the parallel possibility of cooperation in a group are objectives for personal development of beneficiaries.The program will consist of three parts: The part of practical training in corresponding with their industry enterprises, the theoretical part and finally the cultural piece. The implementation of the Mobility program under ERASMUS + will enable students involved EPAL Atalante to implement the already acquired theoretical knowledge into real working conditions. Students have already been in self-research and self-information procedures and the implementation of the plan will work additively by comparing experiences from a European country like Cyprus with very good socio-cultural and technical level. The organization, monitoring and evaluation of the program as a whole and its results are guaranteed through a series of agreements. The assessment of knowledge and skills to be gained will be held by examiners of the Cyprus System of Vocational Qualifications.They will enrich their personal files with the material they will gather, the information they will gather and their CV of the Europass-Mobility Certificate, Certificate of host provider and the business which will employ them.As part of the dissemination of results will be presented the program at the Meeting which will be organized to disseminate the experience to parents - teachers - students - local businesses and local community. As host country was chosen Cyprus a) due to its language, both for easy communication capability and the ability to use English professional terms, which in Cyprus it is common and can be for students who fall behind in English the learning stimulus and a strong incentive to develop in the future this skill and b) due to the absolute specificity of the partner in the areas we want to offer our students new knowledge and experiences in a variety of practice locations. In the long term the implementation of the project offers good perspectives to our students the possibility of employment or activity in Cyprus, considering the huge unemployment or underemployment in our country and the growth potential of the economy. At the same time the school will enable enlargement of European horizons, enhance the quality of the staff to emerge through such programs and our partners the possibility to extend through contacts with us and local economic factors, their business plans and partnerships.

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